At a session held on February 8, 2006, the Financial Supervision Commission (FSC) adopted the following resolutions:

1. The Commission issued an irrevocable repudiation to confirm a prospectus for secondary public offering of corporate bonds issued by COMMERCIAL LEAGUE NATIONAL PHARMA CENTRE, INC., Sofia City. Among other motives for the repudiation, non-conformity of the prospectus submitted with the FSC’s recommendations, as well as the company’s high indebtedness were cited.

2. The Commission withdrew the licence to perform activity as an investment intermediary of Accept Invest AD, Sofia City (current name: Accept Finance AD).
The licence withdrawal was at the request of the investment intermediary.

3. The Commission issued a new licence to First Financial Brokerage House Ltd., Sofia City, to perform activity as an investment intermediary. The investment intermediary may effect the investment and additional activities and services provided for under the POSA, including underwriting issues and transacting in securities for one’s own account. In order to perform activities and provide services under the new licence, it shall be required that the company has at its disposal at any time capital amounting to not less than BGN 1,500,000.

4. The Commission issued a new licence to Bulbrokers AD, Sofia City, to perform activity as an investment intermediary. The investment intermediary may effect the investment and additional activities and services provided for under the POSA, including underwriting issues and transacting in securities for one’s own account. In order to perform activities and provide services under the new licence, it shall be required that the company has at its disposal at any time capital amounting to not less than BGN 1,500,000.

5. The Commission issued a new licence to Dealing Financial Company Plc, Sofia City, to perform activity as an investment intermediary. The investment intermediary may effect the investment and additional activities and services provided for under POSA, without underwriting issues and transacting in securities for one’s own account. In order to perform activities and provide services under the new licence, it shall be required that the company has at its disposal at any time capital amounting to not less than BGN 250,000.

6. The Commission adopted Ordinance on the terms and conditions of and the procedure for customer assets’ valuation. The Ordinance’s promulgation in the State Gazette is forthcoming.
The customer assets’ valuation at the investment intermediaries is performed in order to calculate the amount of the annual installment which the investment intermediaries are to deposit with the Investors in Securities Compensation Fund. On the basis of the above valuation, the compensation amount shall be also determined, which compensation is to be paid by the Investors in Securities Compensation Fund to the customers of an investment intermediary in the cases where bankruptcy proceedings have been instituted for the investment intermediary or the competent supervisory authority has established that the investment intermediary is unable to perform its obligations toward its customers.

The Ordinance shall come into force within a one-month time period as of its promulgation in the State Gazette. Within the aforesaid time period, the investment intermediaries are to recalculate the amount of customers’ assets in compliance with the rules provided for under the Ordinance. On the day of the Ordinance’s entry into force, the investment intermediaries shall submit to the FSC and the Investors in Securities Compensation Fund reference information on the customers’ assets as of the last day of each month for the period from the month of October 2005 to the Ordinance’s entry into force.

7. The Commission adopted Amendment Ordinance of Ordinance No. 6 on the capital adequacy and liquidity of the Investment Intermediaries.
The Ordinance’s promulgation in the State Gazette is forthcoming.

8. The Commission established a procedure for holding the examination required for the acquisition of the right to perform activity as broker or investment advisor in 2006.

The examination dates are as follows:
Examination required for the acquisition of the right to perform activity as broker: May 27, 2006.
Examination required for the acquisition of the right to perform activity as investment advisor: May 28, 2006.

Applications for admission to the examinations shall be submitted from March 1, 2006 to March 31, 2006 at the FSC’s Records Section. Within a one-month time period, the FSC shall render its opinion with regard to the applications and shall notify in writhe applicants on the decision taken. The list of candidates admitted to the examinations shall be publicly announced. The candidates admitted to an examination are to declare their participation at the FSC’s Records Section at least one week prior to the examination, and shall submit a document proving fee deposit into a Commission’s account.

The procedure for holding the examination required for the acquisition of the right to perform activity as broker or investment advisor in 2006 shall be published on the FSC’s website under the Documents Section, Instructions and Requirements.

9. The Commission withdrew a decision on refusal to issue a licence to Transinvestment REIT to perform activities as a special purpose vehicle. The company’s application for licence issuance is to be heard de novo.

10. The Commission entered Petar Iliev Goranov as a professional investor into the FCS’s Register.

11. The Commission refused to acknowledge the qualifications acquired by Martin Hristozov to exercise activities as an investment advisor.