Achieved investment results in the management of the supplementary pension funds for the period 2006 – 2010

By 31st of March every year, the pension insurance companies must announce the achieved investment results (rate of return and investment risk) of the managed by them pension funds. The content and form of this information is specified in the Requirements to the advertising and written information materials of the pension funds and of the pension insurance companies. According to Item 23 of the above stated document, the information of the achieved investment results of the pension funds covers:

  • the nominal rate of return, as a percent, from the management of the pension fund’s assets for each calendar year from the preceding five-year period;
  • the average nominal rate of return, as a percent, from the management of the pension fund’s assets for the preceding five-year period, calculated as geometric mean of the rate of returns for each ear of the period;
  • the level of investment risk in the management of the pension fund’s assets for each calendar year from the preceding five-year period, measured by the indicator standard deviation of the rate of return;
  • Sharp coefficient, in case that the achieved nominal rate of return is higher than the risk-free rate of return for the relevant year;
  • a graph about the value per one unit as at the last business day of each month for the preceding five-year period.

In relation to Item 23 of the Requirements to the advertising and written information materials of the pension funds and of the pension insurance companies and in consistence with the adopted practice for enhancement of the insured persons’ knowledge, Social Insurance Supervision Division of the Financial Supervision Commission announces the investment results, achieved for the period 2006 – 2010, in the management of all supplementary pension insurance funds.