Nikolay Popov Was Elected Unanimously Deputy – Chairman of the FSC by the Parliament

22 May 2012, the National Assembly of the Republic of Bulgaria unanimously elected the new deputy chairman of the Financial Supervision Commission – Mr. Nikolay Popov. He will be responsible for Investment Supervision Division in the FSC. Before his election, Mr. Popov held the positions of Chief Secretary to the Commission. Previously, he developed his career as Chief tax inspector, Executive Director of the National Revenue Agency (NRA), financial manager of “Festa Holding”, and managing administrative affairs of “Alfa Finance Holding” AD in Macedonia. He was a Board member of the NRA; member of the Management Board and participant in the Meetings of Representatives of the National Health Insurance Fund, Member of the Supervisory Board of the National Insurance Institute and a member of the Executive Board and participant in the General Assembly of the Indo-European Organization of Tax Administrations (IOTA).

Nikolay Popov was offered for the position by the Chairman of the FSC – Mr. Stoyan Mavrodiev. In his official speech to the National Assembly on the proposal Mr. Mavrodiev said: “I am convinced and I guarantee that Mr. Nikolay Popov will contribute with his professionalism and personal qualities to the successful realization of goals and objectives that the Commission as a state institution responsible for supervision and regulation of the non-banking financial organizations must implement “.