The Parliament elected two new members of the Financial Supervision Commission proposed by the Chairman of the FSC – Mr. Stoyan Mavrodiev, according to his legislative prerogatives. The new members are Ms. Ralitsa Agayn – Guri elected for a Deputy Chairperson in charge of “Insurance supervision” and Mr. Vladimir Savov for a member of the regulator, responsible for policy analysis and risk assessment in financial markets, improving supervisory practice and protecting the interests of investors and insured persons.
Their term of office is six years.
The candidatures of Ralitsa Agayn-Guri and Vladimir Savov were approved by the Parliament with 128 votes “for”, 9 votes “against” and 7 “abstain” and were supported by all parliamentary groups.
The proposal was based on Art. 84, 8 and Art. 86 , para. 1 of the Constitution of the Republic of Bulgaria in connection with Art. 5 para. 2 of the Act on the Financial Supervision Commission .
In their speeches the two new members expressed their willingness and readiness to improve the mechanisms for protecting the rights of consumers of non-banking financial services, for the development of financial markets and for maintaining the financial stability in Bulgaria.