Collaborative training conducted

On the 5th of July 2024, in the premises of the Financial Supervision Commission a joint training addressed to the pension insurance companies was conducted by the FSC and the Financial Intelligence Directorate, State Agency for “National Security”. The training which was attended by total 18 representatives of all pension insurance companies in Bulgaria was focused on topics related to the implementation of the AML/CFT measures stipulated in the Law on Measures Against Money Laundering (LMML), the Law on Measures Against Financing of Terrorism (LMFT) and the acts on their implementation, as follows:

  • „New requirements stipulated in the LMML, Rules on implementation of the LMML (RILMML) and LMFT“ and
  • „Business-wide ML/TF risk assessment“.

The conducted training aimed to deepen the understanding of the representatives of the pension insurance companies licensed under the terms and conditions of the Social Insurance Code, with the exception of their activity of managing funds for supplementary compulsory pension insurance), for the importance to comply with the requirements of the preventive legislation, their essential role