Approval of reports according to a template to the financial statements and to public notifications of public companies, other issuers of securities, financial vehicle corporations and persons under § 1e of the POSA

Pursuant to Art. 15, para. 1 item 9 of the Financial Supervision Commission Act, in connection with § 3 of the Transitional and Final Provisions of Ordinance No. 2 of 09.11.2021 for initial and subsequent disclosure of information in public offering of securities and admission of securities to trade on a regulated market (promulgated in the State Gazette, 97/19.11.2021, effective from 01.01.2022) the Deputy Chairperson of the FSC, head of the Investment Supervision Department, approved the templates of reports to the financial statements and notifications provided for in this ordinance.

A report on commercial real estate owned by special purpose investment companies securitizing real estate has been prepared on a quarterly and annual basis on an individual basis in connection with the implementation of Recommendations C and D of the European Systemic Risk Board Recommendation of 21 March 2019. (ESRB/2019/3) (, which the FSC should apply.