A roundtable was held on the problems related to automobiles marking

Roundtable on topic: Marking with stickers in relation to Casco insurance – yes or no, took place on 7 February, 2011. The event was organized by the Association of Bulgarian Insurers under the aegis of the Ministry of Interior and the Financial Supervision Commission.
The event gathered representatives of the insurance companies, FSC, MoI, insurance experts, representatives of marking companies, brokers.
The discussion was opened by Borislav Bogoev, Deputy Chairman of FSC, in charge of Insurance Supervision Division, who emphasized the importance of the problems and the necessity reasoned presentations of the different viewpoints on the issue to be made.
The Minister of the Interior, Tsvetan Tsvetanov, was actively involved in the roundtable, defending the position that the stickers for the Motor Casco Insurance must be removed and that the passive marking must cease to be an element of the insurance. During the forum, it has become clear that within shortest time texts, complied with the discussion, will be prepared for legislative amendments on this matter, and they will be presented to the Parliament.

Decisions of FSC’s meeting held on 9 February, 2011

At its meeting on 9 February 20 11, FSC took the following decisions:

1. Approved a prospectus for admission to trading on a regulated market in the European Union an issue of shares issued by Monbat AD, city of Sofia. The issue is to the amount of BGN 39 000 000, divided in 39 000 000 common shares, with a par value of BGN 1 each.

2. Approved a prospectus for initial public offering of shares, which will be issued as a result of the increase in the capital of Puldin Lion Group REIT, city of Sofia. The issue is to the amount of 650 000 common voting shares, with a right to dividend and liquidation quota, proportionate to the share’s par value, with a par value of BGN 1 each and issue value of BGN  3.60. Entered the above issue of shares in the Register maintained by FSC.

Decisions from FSC’s meeting held on 24 February, 2011

At its meeting on 24 February 2011, FSC took the following decisions:

1. Granted a license to Alaric Securities Ltd., city of Sofia (in process of incorporation) to pursue the business of an investment intermediary within the European Union and the European Economic Area. Alaric Securities Ltd., II, is with capital amounting to               BGN 100 000, divided in 100 shares with a nominal value of BGN 1000 each and the company satisfies the legal requirement of Art. 8, para 2 of the Markets in Financial Instruments Act about the minimum amount of the registered capital of an investment intermediary, which does not hold clients’ cash and financial instruments.
Founders of Alaric Securities Ltd., II, are the natural persons Andon Panayotov with 20 % and Magdalina Alexandrova with 80 % of the company’s capital. Managers of the company are Andon Panayotov and Radoslav Ivanov.

2. Approved a prospectus for public offering of an issue of shares, which will be issued by Evrohold Bulgaria AD, city of Sofia, as a result of increase in the capital of the company. The issue is to the amount of 62 497 636 common voting shares, with a right to dividend or liquidation quota, proportionate to the share’s par value, with a par and issue value of BGN 1 each. Entered the above issue of shares in the Register kept by FSC.

3. Approved corrected tender offer by Blyasak EOOD, city of Sofia, for the purchase through investment intermediary Central Cooperative Bank AD, city of Sofia, of shares of Velgraf Asset Management AD, city of Sofia, from the other shareholders of the company. The offered price per share is BGN 2,30.

4. I P S Services OOD, city of Varna, notified FSC of its intention to carry out activity as an insurance broker under freedom to provide services on the territory of Germany and Cyprus.

5. Adopted an Ordinance on amendment and supplement of Ordinance № 35 on the capital adequacy and liquidity of investment intermediaries. The Ordinance transposes provisions of Directive 2010/76/ЕС.
The main amendments are related to the introduction of requirements for the remunerations of top management staff, of officials whose work is connected with risk assumption and of officials, carrying out control functions. The Ordinance will be promulgated in State Gazette.

Results of switching of participation and transfer of funds by the insured persons from one pension insurance fund to another for the fourth quarter and for the whole of 2010

In the fourth quarter of 2010, in total  54 440 applications were filed in the pension insurance companies for switching of participation and transfer of funds from one pension insurance fund to another.
Overall 46 714 insured persons from those that filed applications in the fourth quarter of 2010 changed their participation in the supplementary pension insurance funds. The total amount of the transferred funds in another pension fund of the corresponding type was BGN 47 412 thousand.
During the whole 2010, totally 182 899 insured persons availed themselves of their right to switch their participation in the supplementary pension insurance funds and transferred resources from one to another respective fund, to the amount of BGN 182 842 thousand. In comparison to 2009, the persons who changed their participation increased by 59,28 percent, and the amount of the transferred funds – by 106,83 percent.
You can find the results of participation switching and transfer of funds to another pension fund for the fourth quarter of 2010 and for the whole of 2010 in Section Statistics, Statistics and Analysis of the Social Security Market.

Decision from FSC’s meeting held on 1 March, 2011

At its meeting on 1 March, 2011, FSC took the following decisions:

1. Approved the prospectus for admission to trading on a regulated market of an issue of secured corporate bonds, issued by T B I Credit EAD, city of Sofia. The issue is at the amount of Euro 6 000 000, divided into 6 000 common bonds with fixed interest at the rate of 9%, with a par and issue value of Euro 1000 each, with interest payments in every 6-month period, the term of the bonds issue is 5 years, considered from 17.12.2010 and with maturity date – 17.12.2015.

The above bonds issue was entered in the public register.

Decision from FSC’s meeting held on 9 March, 2011

At its meeting on 9 March, 2011, FSC took the following decision:

1.  Sivov – Group EOOD, town of Burgas notified FSC of its intention to carry out activity as insurance broker under the freedom to provide services on the territory of Romania, Greece, Poland, Hungary, Austria, Germany, Italy, France and the United Kingdom. FSC will inform the relevant competent authorities of the host Member States about the intention of the insurance broker to pursue business on their territories.

Summarized data on the insurance brokers for 2010

The presented individual data from the reports of the insurance brokers, registered in the Republic of Bulgaria as of 31 Dec., 2010 are summarized and published on the FSC’s web site – www.fsc.bg, in Section  E-Library, Statistics, Insurance market, Insurance brokers.
In 2010, the premium income realized through insurance brokers was at the amount of BGN  736 703 thousand, from which BGN 689 823 thousand in favor of insurers having a legal seat in Bulgaria, BGN 42 662 thousand in favor of insurers from other EU Member States and BGN 4 218 thousand in favor of the voluntary health insurance companies.
The revenues from commissions of the insurance brokers amounted to BGN 171 655 thousand, including BGN 165 260 thousand – in the intermediation with insurers having a legal seat in Bulgaria, BGN 5 878 thousand – in the intermediation with insurers from other states and BGN 517 thousand. – in the intermediation with voluntary health insurance companies.
The brokers’ commissions towards the realized through them premium income in favor of insurers having a legal seat in Bulgaria were 23,9 % in the general insurance and 24,7 % in life insurance.

Eurobank EFG Bulgaria AD can start offering in Bulgaria the units of two new Sub Funds

At a meeting held on 16 March, 2011, FSC took a decision that Eurobank EFG Fund Management Company (LUX) S.A., Luxembourg, through its representative for Bulgaria, Eurobank EFG Bulgaria AD, can begin offering in the Republic of Bulgaria the units of the managed by it Sub Funds of LF Mutual Fund: (LF) Fund Special Purpose Equity Formula Bonus (RON) and (LF) Fund Special Purpose – EUR/PLN FX Formula.

FSC adopted practice on the requirements to the content of the prospectuses for public offering and admission to trading on a regulated market of bond issues

At a meeting on 16.03.2011, FSC adopted Practice on implementation of Art. 92, para 1, Item 3, last proposition, of the Law on Public Offering of Securities (LPOS)  on the requirements to the content of the prospectuses for public offering and admission to trading on a regulated market of bond issues in connection with possible changes in the conditions under which the bonds were issued.
The practice aims at clarifying the scope of the disclosed in the prospectuses information in relation to the possibility for change in the conditions under which the bonds were subscribed, with the purpose of protecting the interests of investors in bonds, including through enhancement of their knowledge, and as consequence, improvement of the transparency, stability and trust in the capital market.