Съобщение относно провеждането на изпитите за придобиване на право за извършване на дейност като брокер и като инвестиционен консултант

Във връзка с провеждането на изпитите за придобиване на право за извършване на дейност като брокер и като инвестиционен консултант, Комисията за финансов надзор уведомява допуснатите до изпит кандидати за следното:
В срок до 28 ноември 2007 г. кандидатите следва да внесат такса за изпит в размер на 300 лв. (триста лв.), на касата на КФН или на IBAN BG95 BNBG 9661 3000 1415 01. Банковият идентификационен код (BIC) на БНБ-ЦУ е BNBGBGSD.
Изпитът за придобиване на право за извършване на дейност като брокер ще се проведе на  1 декември 2007 г. от 9,00 часа в зали № 3074 и № 3075 на Университет за национално и световно стопанство (новото крило), Студентски град „Христо Ботев”, гр. София.
Изпитът за придобиване на право за извършване на дейност като инвестиционен консултант ще се проведе на 2 декември 2007 г. от 9,00 часа в зала 2005 на Университет за национално и световно стопанство, Студентски град „Христо Ботев”, гр. София.
Регистрацията на кандидатите за участие в изпит ще започне от 8:00 часа.

При явяването си на изпита кандидатите следва да носят:
1.  документ за платена такса (оригинал или заверено от банка копие);
2.  документ за самоличност.

На изпита кандидатите може да ползват обикновен калкулатор или  калкулатор като: Texas Instruments BA II, Texas Instruments BA II Plus, Texas Instruments BA II Plus Professional, Texas Instruments BA II Plus Business Analyst или HP 10B, HP 12C.  Не се допуска използването на калкулатор с функции за програмиране.

At a session held on February 2, 2007, the Financial Supervision Commission (FSC) adopted the following resolutions:

 1. The Commission approved a tender offer submitted by K. V. K Invest AD, Haskovo, on purchase of shares of Balkancar Zarya PLC, town of Pavlikeni, from the company’s other shareholders through Karoll JSC Investment Intermediary, Sofia City.
The price per share offered is BGN 11.27.

 2. The Commission approved a tender offer submitted by Duropack AG, Vienna, on purchase of shares of Duropack – Trakia Papir AD, town of Pazardjik, from the company’s other shareholders through First Financial Brokerage House OOD Investment Intermediary, Sofia City.
The price per share offered is BGN 64.48.

 3. The Commission included Hristina Ivanova Stamova on the list of persons who may be assignees in bankruptcy of an insurer approved by the FSC.

 4. The Commission recognised full legal capacity of a responsible actuary acquired in a Member State to Albena Mladenova Petrova, Iskra Ognyanova Metodieva, Raya Petkova Grozeva, Aneta Ivanova Velikova and Yasen Dimov Mateev.

5. The Commission admitted three candidates who had additionally submitted their documents to the FSC to the examination for attainment of the right to perform the activities of a broker, which examination is to be held on February 17, 2007, and namely:

Stoyan Manchorov
Hristofor Minev
Antoaneta Yanakieva

6. The Commission admitted Antoaneta Yanakieva and denied admission to Krum Dimitrov to the examination for acquisition of the right to perform activities as an investment adviser, which examination is to be held on February 18, 2007.

7. The Commission admitted Boris Petrunov to an examination for acquisition of legal capacity of a responsible actuary, which is to be held on the following dates: February 18 and 25, 2007, and March 3 and 4, 2007.

At a session held on November 01, 2006, the Financial Supervision Commission (FSC) adopted the following resolutions:

1. The Commission entered Invest Property REIT, Sofia City, into the Public Companies and Other Issuers of Securities Register as a public company. The Commission entered a securities issue issued by Invest Property REIT as a result of increase in the company’s capital from BGN 500,000 to BGN 650,000 through issuance of new 150,000 pieces of ordinary, registered, dematerialized, freely transferable voting shares, having a nominal and issuance value of BGN 1 each.
The said issue is entered into the FSC’s Public Register.

2. The Commission issued temporary prohibition on publication of an offer submitted by Litex Commerce AD, Sofia City, to purchase shares of Lovech Tours AD, town of Lovech, from the other shareholders in the company through Faktori JSC, Sofia City, Investment Intermediary.
3. The Commission did not issue irrevocable prohibition on publication of amended tender offer submitted by Rodina Tourist 97 AD, Sofia City, to purchase shares of Rodina Tourist AD, Sofia City, from the other shareholders in the company through Aval In AD, Sofia City, Investment Intermediary.
The price per share offered is BGN 25.50.

4. The Commission withdrew the licence issued to Evroforum OOD, Sofia City, to undertake activities as an investment intermediary following submission of a letter on their part for voluntary abandonment of the licence.

5. The Commission issued licences to Varchev Managing Company EAD Management Company to organize and manage VARCHEV HIGH-YIELD FUND Contractual Fund.  The Commission approved a Prospectus for public offering of units submitted by VARCHEV HIGH-YIELD FUND Contractual Fund and entered the issue of units into the Public Register kept by the FSC.
The Commission entered VARCHEV HIGH-YIELD FUND Contractual Fund as an issuer into the Register kept by the FSC.

At a session held on October 25, 2006, the Financial Supervision Commission (FSC) adopted the following resolutions:

1. The Commission entered a subsequent issue of shares issued by Dominant Finance AD, Sofia City, resulting from increase in the company’s capital from BGN 50,000 to BGN 1,200,000 through issuance of new 1,150,000 stocks having a nominal value of BGN 1 each.

2. The Commission entered a subsequent issue of shares issued by FairPlay Properties REIT JSC  resulting from increase in the company’s capital from BGN 25,350,000 to BGN 50,700,000 through issuance of new 25,350,000 stocks having a nominal and issuance value of BGN 1 each.

3. The Commission adopted a resolution to withdraw the licence to perform activities as a broker of securities issued to the following persons, where the reason is that these persons have not performed the said activities for two or more years:
– Aleksandar Dimitrov
– Anitsa Valkova
– Vladimir Djumaliev
– Krasimir Slaveykov
– Mario Markov
– Maryan Nikolov
– Nedyalko Nedyalkov
– Teodora Tomova
– Yulian Vishnevski.

4. The Commission issued a supplementary licence to Interamerican Bulgaria S. A. Insurance Company, Sofia City, which includes: “all damages liability arising where using land motor vehicles” /under Section ІІ, letter “А”, item 10.1 of Annexe No. 1 under the Insurance Code/.

At a session held on October 25, 2006, the Financial Supervision Commission (FSC) adopted the following resolutions:

1. The Commission entered a subsequent issue of shares issued by Dominant Finance AD, Sofia City, resulting from increase in the company’s capital from BGN 50,000 to BGN 1,200,000 through issuance of new 1,150,000 stocks having a nominal value of BGN 1 each.

2. The Commission entered a subsequent issue of shares issued by FairPlay Properties REIT JSC  resulting from increase in the company’s capital from BGN 25,350,000 to BGN 50,700,000 through issuance of new 25,350,000 stocks having a nominal and issuance value of BGN 1 each.

3. The Commission adopted a resolution to withdraw the licence to perform activities as a broker of securities issued to the following persons, where the reason is that these persons have not performed the said activities for two or more years:
– Aleksandar Dimitrov
– Anitsa Valkova
– Vladimir Djumaliev
– Krasimir Slaveykov
– Mario Markov
– Maryan Nikolov
– Nedyalko Nedyalkov
– Teodora Tomova
– Yulian Vishnevski.

4. The Commission issued a supplementary licence to Interamerican Bulgaria S. A. Insurance Company, Sofia City, which includes: “all damages liability arising where using land motor vehicles” /under Section ІІ, letter “А”, item 10.1 of Annexe No. 1 under the Insurance Code/.

At a session held on September 19, 2006, the Financial Supervision Commission (FSC) adopted the following resolutions:

1. The Commission issued a licence to Alfa Property 1 REIT to pursue the following activities as a special purpose vehicle: investment of funds raised through issuance of securities in real estates.
The Commission confirmed a Prospectus for public offering of 150,000 pieces of ordinary shares having a nominal value of BGN 1 each, issued by the company as a result of primary increase in the company’s capital.
Alfa Finance Holding AD (holding 35.2% of the capital), Bulbrokers Consulting EOOD (holding 4.8% of the capital), Albena Invest Holding AD (holding 30% of the capital), and Alfa Index Imoti REIT (also holding 30%), are founders of the company.
Alfa Property 1 REIT envisages that the funds raised throughout the following two years are to be invested as a priority in the following sectors: “administrative areas” and “commercial areas”, and it intends to develop its activities primarily on the territory of Sofia, Varna, Plovdiv, Burgas. The company will invest in properties securing income in the form of rents and other current payments, and in purchase, construction and/or renovation of real estates for the purpose of subsequent sale or running of these.

2. The Commission imposed temporary prohibition on a tender offer submitted by Intertrust EAD, Sofia City, to purchase shares of Lead and Zinc Complex Plc., town of Kardjali, from the company’s other shareholders through Standard Investment AD Investment Intermediary.

3.  The Commission withdrew the licence to pursue activities as a securities broker granted to  Aleksander Draganov and Hristo Tanchev. The motives for the aforesaid decision are non-pursuance of activities as a securities broker for more than two years.

In relation to one person, namely Stanimir Mihaylov, the procedure on divestiture of the right to pursue activities as a securities broker was discontinued in connection with submission of explanations and additional information.

4.  The Commission adopted at second reading a Draft Ordinance on the Individual Applications for Participation in a Supplementary Compulsory Pension Insurance Fund.
Under the Ordinance, the procedure on submitting an application for participation in a universal and professional pension fund and the requirements towards its form and contents were provided. It is envisaged that the application for participation is to be submitted personally to the pension insurance company into which the person would like to participate, or through an insurance intermediary, or as an electronic document. The persons are obligated to notify the pension insurance company, managing the fund into which the aforesaid persons effect an insurance of each amendment to the personal details as entered into the application submitted by them.
The promulgation of the Ordinance in the State Gazette is forthcoming.

5.  The Commission adopted at first reading amendments to Ordinance No. 8 on the Central Securities Depository.

The amendments are related to an Ordinance defining the procedure on payment of dividends by public companies and issuers of securities. These are necessitated due to the fact that under Art.38, para. 1 of the Ordinance, a word is not contained stating that the indicated procedure is imperative and hence the public companies and the issuers of securities arrange their own procedures for payments of dividends, interest rates and principals. Such procedures (different for each public company) may lead to slowdown in payments and increase in the investors’ costs.
For the purpose of non-admission of an alternative procedure for payment of dividends, interest rates and principals, a supplement of Art.38, para. 1 of the Ordinance was adopted, where before the expression “Central Depository”, the word “only” is added.

“Art.38 (1) The public company and the issuer of debt securities pay dividends, interest rates and principals only through a Central Depository on the basis of the calculations made under the procedure of Art.37а.”

A new Chapter Five of Ordinance No. 8 is also adopted, under which administrative and penal liability of the persons who have committed breaches of the Ordinance, as well as of the persons who have allowed the perpetration of such breaches is introduced.

“Art.50 (1) Persons who have perpetrated violations of the Ordinance, as well as persons who have allowed perpetration of such violations shall be penalised pursuant to Art. 221, para. 1 of the LPOS.
(2) The statements of ascertainment regarding violations of the Ordinance established shall be drawn up by officers authorised by the Deputy Chair, and the penal enactment shall be issued by the Deputy Chair.
(3) Establishment of the violations, the issuance, the appeal against and the enforcement of the penal enactments shall be performed under the procedure set under the Administrative Violations and Penalties Act.”

The Draft Ordinance shall be co-ordinated with all interested persons and organizations. 


At a session held on September 7, 2006, the Financial Supervision Commission (FSC) adopted the following resolutions:

 1. The Commission issued a licence to Invest Property REIT, town of Vratsa, to pursue the following activities as a special purpose vehicle: investment of funds raised through issuance of securities in real estates /securitization of real estates/.
The Commission confirmed a Prospectus for public offering of 150,000 pieces of ordinary, registered, dematerialized, freely transferable voting shares, having a nominal value of BGN 1 each, issued by Invest Property REIT as a result of primary increase in the company’s capital.
The Commission entered the aforesaid issue of shares /undergoing a process of issuance/ in the Public Register.

 2. The Commission issued temporary prohibition on the publication of a tender offer submitted by ZMM – Bulgaria Holding Ltd., Sofia City, on purchase of shares of ZMM Nova Zagora AD, town of Nova Zagora, from the company’s other shareholders through Aval In AD Investment Intermediary.

 3. The Commission entered in the Public Register a shares issue, amounting to 2,357,847 pieces of ordinary, registered and dematerialized voting shares, having a nominal value of BGN 1 each, issued by Hydraulic Elements & Systems AD, town of Yambol, for the purpose of trading these on a regulated securities market.

 4. The Commission entered in the Public Register a shares issue issued by Bulgarian Rose Sevtopolis JSC, town of Kazanlak, as a result of increase in the company’s capital, and for the purpose of trading these on a regulated securities market. The issue is to the amount of 3,016,356 pieces of ordinary, dematerialized, registered voting shares, giving the right to one vote in the issuer’s General Meeting, and having a nominal value of BGN 1 and an issuance value of BGN 3 each.

 5. The Commission issued an approval for the amendments to the Articles of Association of Transinvestment REIT.

6. The Commission issued a licence to SUPER BOROVETS PROPERTY FUND REIT, town of Varna, to pursue the following activities as a special purpose vehicle: investment of funds raised through issuance of securities in real estates /securitization of real estates/. Super Borovets Property Investment AD, having 65.50%, and West-East Bank (having 30%) are shareholders in the company.
The Commission confirmed a Prospectus for public offering of 150,000 pieces of ordinary, registered, dematerialized, freely transferable voting shares, having a nominal value of BGN 1 each, issued by SUPER BOROVETS PROPERTY FUND REIT, town of Varna, as a result of primary increase in the company’s capital.
The Commission entered the aforesaid issue of shares /undergoing a process of issuance/ in the Public Register.