New ordinance approved

The Commission approved an Ordinance on the form and the content of the annual financial report of the insurance and health insurance companies.

Bonds issue of Commercial Bank “Allianz Bulgaria” registered

The Commission approved prospectus for secondary public offering of bonds issued by Commercial Bank “Allianz Bulgaria”. The bonds issue has the following characteristics :

Issuer : Commercial Bank “Allianz Bulgaria”
Type of securities: ordinary, dematerialized, fully transferable, interest – bearing,  mortgage bonds
Size of the issue: 15 000 bonds
Nominal value:  Euro 1000  per bond
Annual interest rate : 5.75%
Term to maturity : 60 months
Payments : every 6 months

Share issue of Special Investment Purposes Company “BenchMark Fund Property” registered

The Commission registered with its public register share issue of “BenchMark Fund Property”. The initial public offering of shares of this issue has been successfully completed, and the share issue is to be traded on the stock exchange.

The share issue has the following characteristics :

Issuer : Special Investment Purposes Company “BenchMark Fund Property”
Type of securities: ordinary, dematerialized, fully transferable, voting shares
Size of the issue: 150 000 shares
Nominal value:  BGN 1  per bond

Bonds issue of AutoBohemia PLC registered

The Commission approved prospectus for secondary public offering of bonds issued by AutoBohemia PLC. The bonds issue has the following characteristics :

Issuer: AutoBohemia PLC
Type of securities: ordinary, dematerialized, interest-bearing, fully transferable bonds
Size of the issue: 4 000 bonds
Nominal value: BGN 1000 each
Issue value: BGN 1000 each
Term to maturity : 36 months
Interest rate: 8.5% on annual basis
Interest payments: every six months


Bonds issue of TBI Credit registered

The Commission approved prospectus for secondary public offering of bonds issued by “TBI Credit” AD, Sofia. The bonds issue has the following characteristics :

Issuer: TBI Credit
Type of securities: ordinary, dematerialized, interest-bearing, fully transferable collateral bonds
Size of the issue: 10 000 bonds
Nominal value: BGN 1000 each
Issue value: BGN 1000 each
Term to maturity : 36 months
Annual interest rate: 7.5% on annual basis
Interest payments: every six months

New indexes for the value of one lot /share/ in the pension funds have been launched

The new indexes are : PROFIDEX – for the occupational pension funds, UNIDEX – the universal pension funds, and VOLIDEX – for the voluntary  pension funds.

On the FSC web site you can find daily graphic information on the value change of one lot for the last 60 working days, as well the index change – given separately for the universal, voluntary and occupational pension funds.


“Kaproni” AD is not public company anymore

With a decision of the deputy Chairman of FSC Dimana Rankva the public status of the  company “Kaproni” AD has been terminated and the company removed from the public register of the Commission.

Investment intermediary “Unity Invest – 99” AD suspended from trading with shares, bonds, compensation instruments and investment bonds for six months period

In compliance with decision of the Deputy Chairman of FSC, Head of Investment Supervision Division, the investment intermediary “Unity Invest – 99” AD, City of Sofia, has been suspended from executing transactions with shares, bonds, compensation instruments and investment bonds for six months period. The main reason for  the punitive  measure is the determined  infringement of the regulations of the Bulgarian legislation aiming to provide stability at trading with securities and to protect the interests of the investors.