FSC registered with its register of public companies and other issuers the following company and its issue of securities
Issuer: Interlogic – imoti AD
Type of securities: ordinary, registered, dematerialized, fully transferable shares
Size of the issue: 24 839 shares
Nominal value per share: BGN 10
New Instructions for the implementation of art.176 and the subsequent ones from the Social Insurance Code
The Commission has approved instructions for the implementation of art.176 and the subsequent ones from the Social Insurance Code related to the legal side of the compensatory instruments and the possibility to invest in them the assets of the supplementary pension insurance funds
The instructions are published on our web site.
New Instructions for interpretation and implementation of art. 178, para 3 and art.249 and the subsequent ones from chapter 25 as per art.178, para 2 from the Social Insurance Code
The Commission has approved instructions for interpretation and implementation of art. 178, para 3 and art.249 and the subsequent ones from chapter 25 as per art.178, para 2 from the Social Insurance Code – pension insurance companies and the supplementary pension insurance funds managed by them shall not acquire together more than 10% of the shares of a issuer or participate together
The FSC issued a license to “Kolos-1” for operation as a company with special investment purposes: securitization of property
FSC approved a prospectus for public offering of shares issued by ”Kolos-1”. The share issue has the following characteristics:
Issuer: Kolos-1
Type of securities: ordinary, registered, dematerialized, fully transferable, voting, shares
Size of the issue: 150 shares
Nominal value per share: 1000 BGN
Temporary prohibition on tender offer for shares of Lukoil Neftohim Burgas AD
FSC issued a temporary prohibition on publishing of the following tender offer :
– Company, object of the offer: Lukoil Neftohim Burgas AD
– Offeror: Lukoil Europe Holdings
– Authorized investment intermediary: Raifaizenbank Bulgaria EAD
Amendments to Ordinance N 6 adopted
The Commission adopted amendments to Ordinance N 6 from Oct 22, 2003 for the capital adequacy and the liquidity of the investment intermediaries.
Approved Instructions for implementation of art. 5, par. 2, and art. 15, par. 2, items 2, related to art.3, par.3, and of art.3, par.4 of Ordinance N 3
FSC approved Instructions for implementation of art. 5, par. 2, and art. 15, par. 2, items 2, related to art.3, par.3, and of art.3, par.4 of Ordinance N 3 from Sep 24, 2003.
The instructions provide guidance in the following cases :
-when in the applications for transfer from one pension fund to another fund there are deficiencies, corrections, erasing, additions, as well as missing information;
– what documents are required in case of changes of the name or the personal identification number of the person applying for transfer from one pension fund to another one.
The FSC issued a temporary prohibition on publishing and distributing “Kapman Capital”AD’ advertising material
The Deputy Chairman of FSC, Head of Investment Supervision Division, issued a temporary prohibition on publishing and distributing advertising material of the investment company “Kapman Capital”AD
Public company “Komex” AD, Kaspichan was refused to be deleted from the register of FSC
The Deputy Chairman of FSC, Head of Investment Supervision Division, refused to delete “Komex” AD, Kaspichan from the public register of FSC.
Social Insurance Supervision Division has announced the results of the activity of the supplementary social insurance for the first 9 months of year 2004
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The total sum of the net assets till 30th September, 2004 accumulated by all three types of pension funds – voluntary, occupational, and universal– amounts to BGN 682 417 000, which is 25 % more compared to the results at the end of year 2003. The number of the social insured persons for the same period has reached 2 636 090 persons.