Revision of public company “Sofia Film” has started

In connection with publications in the media regarding unlawful deals with property of  public company “Sofia Film”, the Deputy Chairman of FSC,  Head of Investment Supervision Division, took a decision for initiation of revision of “Sofia Film”. The revision has to establish whether the requirements of the Law on Public Offering of Securities are abided.

In case violations of the law are established further actions will be undertaken.


New insurance broker has been licensed

The Deputy Chairman of FSC, Head of Insurance Supervision Division issued license to operate as an insurance broker to the following company “Avitzena – Bionet” EOOD.


Draft Ordinance for amendments of Ordinance N 6 for the capital adequacy and liquidity of the investment intermediaries approved

The Commission approved a draft Ordinance for amendments of Ordinance N 6 for the capital adequacy and the  liquidity of the investment intermediaries.
The amendments are further step in the process of harmonization of  the Bulgarian legislation with the European one, and are related to the requirements for formation of the own capital of the investment intermediaries.


New type of life insurance offered by Allianz Bulgaria Life has been approved

The Deputy Chairman of FSC, Head of Insurance Supervision Division,  has  issued to the  insurance company “Allianz Bulgaria Life” a supplementary permission for  new type of life insurance. The specifics of the insurance is that the insured person can choose an  investment fund where his money shall be invested.