Social Insurance Supervision Division has announced the final results of the activity of the supplementary social insurance for the year 2003

The total sum of the net assets, accumulated by the all three types of pension funds – occupational, universal and voluntary – amounts to BGN 510 544 000, which is 53.55% more compared to the results of the previous year 2002. As of the end of the year 2003 the number of the social insured persons has increased with 27.18% compared to the year 2002 and  reached 2 294 966  persons.


New public company registered – Bulgarski Bergman EAD, Gurchinovo

FSC registered with its register of public companies and other issuers the following company and its issue of securities
Issuer: Bulgarski Bergman EAD, Gurchinovo
Type of securities: ordinary, dematerialized, fully transferable shares
Size of the issue: 53 940 shares
Nominal value: BGN 1

Change of the subject of activity of an investment intermediary approved

The Commission approved the request for a change in the subject of activity  submitted by investment intermediary “Accept Invest” AD. According the approved change the investment intermediary shall carry out its activity  including transactions in securities, portfolio management and custodian services, only on the account of a third party.


The minimum return rate for the universal and occupational pension funds has been determined

The Deputy Chairman of FSC, Head of  Social Insurance Supervision Division  Bisser Petkov determined the minimum return rate of 7.46% on annual basis  for  the management of the assets of universal pension funds for the preceding 24-months period (01/04/2002 – 31/03/2004). The minimum return rate for the management of the assets of occupational  pension funds for the same period is 6.88% on annual basis.

Issue of convertible bonds registered with FSC

FSC has registered with its register of public companies and other issuers the following issues of securities :
Issuer: Industrial Holding Bulgaria, Sofia
Type of securities: convertible, dematerialized, interest-bearing, fully transferable bonds
Size of the issue: 5 250 808  mortgage bonds
Term to Maturity: 36 months
Annual interest rate: 6% on annual basis
Interest payments: every six months

Share issue of “TBI BAC – Property“ registered with the Commission

FSC registered with its register of public companies and other issuers the following issue of securities:
Issuer: Special Investment Purposes Company “TBI BAC – Property“ 
Type of securities: ordinary, dematerialized, fully transferable shares
Size of the issue: 150 000 shares
Nominal value: BGN 1 each

The initial public offering of the described issue has been successfully completed. The issue will be traded on the stock exchange.

New ordinance adopted


The Commission adopted an Ordinance on the methods and procedures for licensing actuaries of pension insurance companies and managed by them  supplementary pension insurance funds.