Data on the insurance market at the end of the fourth quarter of 2020

 The presented reports and statements of insurers and reinsurers in non-life insurance and life insurance, according to Ordinance No. 53 of 23.12.2016 and quarterly quantitative templates, according to Regulation (EU) 2015/2450 under Art. 304, paragraph 1, letter “d” of Regulation (EU) 2015/35 at the end of the fourth quarter of 2020 are summarized and published on the FSC website –, “Insurance activity“, “Statistics”.

Mariya Filipova, Deputy Chairperson of the Financial Supervision Commission, Head of the Investment Supervision Department, participates in the launching of a think tank for sustainable finance and energy – Green Finance & Energy Centre

This week the official start of the first and only think tank for sustainable finance and energy in Bulgaria – Green Finance & Energy Centre. The Green Centre was established on the initiative of the Bulgarian Stock Exchange (BSE) and the Independent Bulgarian Energy Exchange (IBEX) and is realized with the support of the Ministry of Finance, the Ministry of Energy, the Financial Supervision Commission and the Fund of Funds.

A symbolic start to the activities of the Green Centre was given through the digital signing of the Charter for Sustainable Economic Development of Bulgaria.

Ms. Mariya Filipova, Deputy Chairperson of the Financial Supervision Commission, Head of the Investment Supervision Department, welcomed the partners and participants in the project, saying that “we are all committed to the cause of working actively for the development of the capital market, to strive for sustainable growth and build a climate-neutral economy in the long run.”

In her presentation, Ms. Filipova stressed that “the basis for balanced and fruitful interaction between the regulator, corporate management, shareholders and other stakeholders is respect for the rights and obligations of all market participants.” She called for responsible decision-making and focus on working to ensure favourable conditions for achieving sustainable growth and achieving common long-term goals, as well as establishing transparent and fair relationships between all participants in the capital market.

The Green Centre is a NGO – think tank for sustainable finance and energy. The Centre creates policies in the fields of sustainable finance and energy, leads the public debate and formulates specific solutions on these issues in the country.

Although 83.9% of companies assess the level of their policies above average, over 41% of them lack information and 37.5% of companies report as an important problem the lack of codes and methodological documents with a practical focus. This became evident from the study of the environment from the aspects of ecology, social responsibility and good corporate governance (the so-called ESG practices – Environmental, Social, Governance) – made by VUZF Lab on behalf of the BSE among 56 companies from 7 economic sectors. The study was presented by Prof. Virzhinia Zhelyazkova – Vice-Rector for Academic Affairs and Quality at the Higher School of Insurance and Finance.

Mr. Manyu Moravenov and Mr. Konstantin Konstantinov, Executive Directors of the BSE and IBEX presented the mission, goals and first initiatives to be taken by the Green Centre. These include raising awareness among businesses, upgrading the code of good corporate governance with aspects of environmental development and social responsibility, creating a stock exchange Green Index to encourage companies to implement ESG practices, and to distinguish those who do so in the best way.

Special guests of the event were Marinela Petrova – Deputy Minister of Finance, Zhecho Stankov – Deputy Minister of Energy, and Aleksandar Georgiev – Executive Director of the Fund of Funds.

The views of Europe and the world on sustainable finance and energy were provided by Eva Maidel, Member of the European Parliament, and Anthony Miller, Chief Coordinator of the UN Sustainable Stock Exchange Initiative.

More information about Green Finance & Energy Centre –

Vladimir Savov – Deputy Chairperson of the Financial Supervision Commission, Head of the Insurance Supervision Department, participates in the international conference Fintech Summit 2021

Once more “Capital” brought together the financial technology community at the traditional FinTech Summit.

Fintech entrepreneurs and innovators, visionaries, bankers, financial experts, representatives of companies from the country and abroad, as well as the central government and regulators discussed the future of the fintech sector, and how the global economic crises caused by COVID in 2020 turned out to be a stimulus for the development of financial technology.

“Technological advances offer the insurance industry tremendous opportunities to meet growing customer needs and regulatory requirements. More and more, maintaining competitiveness will mean that insurers have to keep up with the latest developments in insurtech, so that companies can ensure that they take advantage of the best possible technological solutions,” said Vladimir Savov – Deputy Chairperson of the FSC, Head of the Insurance Supervision Department in his opening speech at the Innovation in the Insurance Sector panel. He added that he “believes that we, as an insurance regulatory and supervisory body, need to address the following challenges in the near future:

  • We need to understand how innovation works and is implemented to ensure an adequate assessment of new product and business models.
  • We will also need to balance the risks of innovation with the benefits for policyholders and the insurance sector as a whole, and consider how to create the right environment to foster innovation. In other words, we need to find a balance between fostering innovation and protection against the negative aspects of any potential customer and business disruptions.
  • We will need to assess and, where appropriate, adjust the regulatory framework, especially on the part of market behaviour, in order to adequately deal with changing risks and business models.
  • We will need to organize the appropriate capacity – technical resources, knowledge and skills – to be able to respond to and monitor FinTech solutions in the future.

In conclusion, Mr. Vladimir Savov assured the conference participants that “The Financial Supervision Commission is fully committed to its strategic goals, namely to protect consumers of financial services, maintain the stability of the non-banking financial sector and promote business development. We will strive to apply the same principles in building and maintaining an adequate understanding of financial innovation. In this way, we intend to strengthen cooperation with stakeholders, first and foremost with the insurance sector.”

Updated templates of reports of the management companies

The Deputy Chairperson, Head of the Investment Supervision Department, approved an updated template of Report No. 7 Management Company – Portfolio, part of the templates of reports to the financial statements of management companies, determined by Decision No. 1522 – КИС of 08.12.2017. The current templates of reports are available on the website of the Financial Supervision Commission, section “Administrative documents”, “Forms and samples”, “Investment activity”.

Data on the insurance market as of 30.11.2020

The data presented from the reports of insurers in non-life and life insurance at the end of November 2020 are summarized and published on the FSC website –, section “Insurance activity”, “Statistics”.

Template of Declaration under Art. 20 of the Special Investment Purpose Companies and Securitization Companies Act approved by the Deputy Chairperson, Head of the Investment Activity Supervision Department

The Deputy Chairperson, Head of the Investment Activity Supervision Department approved a Template of declaration under Art. 20 of the Special Investment Purpose Companies and Securitization Companies Act. An up-to-date template is published on the website of the Financial Supervision Commission, section “Administrative documents”, section “Forms and templates” (available in BG version).

Template of Report under Art. 31, para. 3 of the Special Investment Purpose Companies and Securitization Companies Act approved by the Deputy Chairperson, Head of the Investment Activity Supervision Department

The Deputy Chairperson, Head of the Investment Supervision Department, approved a template of the Report under Art. 31, para. 3 of the Special Investment Purpose Vehicles and Securitization Companies Act (SIPVSCA) for transformation of the financial result of special investment purpose companies by the procedure of Art. 29, para. 3 of the SIPVSCA. An up-to-date template of the report is published on the website of the Financial Supervision Commission, section “Administrative documents”, section “Forms and templates” (available in BG version).

The Chairman of the Financial Supervision Commission, Boyko Atanasov, urgently communicated about the decision to open insolvency proceedings against Certasig – Insurance and Reinsurance Company AD becoming effective

For the purpose of information and transparency to the Bulgarian public on the case with Certasig-Insurance and Reinsurance Company AD, whose license was revoked by the Insurance Supervision Authority in the Republic of Romania, and in addition to the information already published on the FSC website dated 19.01.2021, the Chairman of the Financial Supervision Commission Boyko Atanasov presented a communication campaign informing the persons who have insurance claims to the company that with a Decision of 14.01.2021 of the Court of Appeal in in Bucharest, the decision to initiate proceedings on the insolvency of Certasig – Insurance and Reinsurance Company AD has been confirmed and has become effective as of 14.01.2021.

According to the information available to the FSC, in accordance with the applicable legislation of the Republic of Romania, insurance contracts concluded with Certasig – Insurance and Reinsurance Company AD continue to be valid after the date of revocation of the company’s license up to 90 days after the court decision for initiating insolvency proceedings becoming effective (15.04.2021) or until one of the following dates – the date of expiration of the contract or the date of its termination by the policyholder through a unilateral notification addressed to the insurance company.

The persons who have claims for insurance compensation in connection with insurance events or for insurance premiums corresponding to the unexpired term of insurance contracts that have been terminated prematurely can file their claims to the Romanian Guarantee Fund for Policyholders in Romania.

Any person who has an insurance claim against the company may submit a justified request to the Guarantee Fund of the Republic of Romania (address: 24 Popa Petre Street, sector 2, Bucharest, e-mail: and phone:,, fax: ), as of the date of the decision of the Financial Supervision Authority of the Republic of Romania to revoke the license of Certasig – Insurance and Reinsurance Company AD, but not later than 90 days from the date of the decision becoming effective – 15.04.2021 and in case this right has arisen after the opening of the insolvency proceedings – within 90 days from its occurrence. Claims can be filed directly in the headquarters of the Romanian Guarantee Fund, by post, by e-mail or in other ways that guarantee submission and confirmation of receipt.

more information on the protection provided by the insurance claims guarantee scheme in the Republic of Romania, on the authorized persons and on the procedure under which claims can be made is available at

In adherence to the commitment of awareness and transparency made by Mr. Boyko Atanasov, Chairman of the FSC, the Financial Supervision Commission will continue to communicate the relevant information concerning the protection of the rights and interests of the users of insurance services in connection with all subsequent measures against the insurer and its branch in the Republic of Bulgaria on its website:

The lists of insurance companies and insurance intermediaries from EU Member States that have stated their intention to operate on the territory of the Republic of Bulgaria have been updated

 For the period 01.12.2021 – 28.02.2021 the FSC received 2 (two) notifications regarding the intention of insurance companies based in other Member States of the EU to operate in the territory of the Republic of Bulgaria under the terms of freedom to provide services , as well as 7 (seven) notifications regarding the withdrawal of intention of one insurer established in an EU Member State, to operate on the territory of the Republic of Bulgaria under the terms of freedom to provide services.

 During the same period, the FSC received 30 (thirty) notifications from the competent supervisory authorities regarding the intention of insurance intermediaries based in EU Member States to carry out insurance intermediation activities on the territory of the Republic of Bulgaria, as well as 16 (sixteen) notifications of the intention of insurance intermediaries based in EU Member States to suspend the activity of insurance intermediation on the territory of the country.

 As of 28.02.2021, the number of insurance companies based in other EU Member States which have notified the FSC of their intention to operate on the territory of the Republic of Bulgaria amounts to 427 (four hundred and twenty-seven). At the same date, the insurance intermediaries from Member States for which the FSC received a notification of intention to carry out insurance intermediation activities on the territory of the Republic of Bulgaria are 2,226 (two thousand two hundred and twenty-six).

 Given the expiry of the transitional period following the withdrawal of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland from the EU as of 1 January 2021, insurance companies and insurance intermediaries established in the United Kingdom shall be treated as insurers and insurance intermediaries established in a third country. As a result, insurance companies based in the UK are included in a separate list, in order to protect the public interest and given the fact that all insurance contracts concluded with such insurers before 31.12.2020 for risks located in the Republic Bulgaria, remain valid and can be serviced. The insurance companies based in the United Kingdom, for which the FSC received notifications before 31.12.2020 regarding their intention to operate in the country, are 222 (two hundred and twenty-two). The insurance intermediaries based in the United Kingdom, for which the FSC received a notification before 31.12.2020 for their intention to carry out insurance intermediation activities on the territory of the country, are 908 (nine hundred and eight). After 31.12.2020 the FSC did not receive any notification regarding the intention of an insurance intermediary based in the UK to establish a subsidiary or a new intermediary on the territory of the Republic of Bulgaria.

 For the period 01.01.2021 – 28.01.2021, the FSC did not send notifications to the competent authorities of EU Member States about the intention of local insurance companies to operate on their territory. During the same period, the FSC sent 1 (one) notification regarding the withdrawal of the intention of a local insurance company to operate in another Member State under the terms of freedom to provide services. As of 28.02.2021, the total number of insurance companies based in the Republic of Bulgaria which have stated their intention to carry out insurance activities on the territory of other EU Member States under the terms of freedom to provide services, remains 18.

 For the period 01.01.2021 – 28.02.2021 the FSC has not sent notifications to the competent supervisory authorities of the EU Member States about the intention of local insurance intermediaries to carry out insurance intermediation activities on their territory under the terms of freedom to provide services or the right of establishment. As of 28.02.2021, the total number of insurance intermediaries based in the Republic of Bulgaria which have declared their intention to carry out insurance intermediation activities on the territory of EU Member States, remains 52.

 The updated lists of notifications are available on the FSC website in the section “Supervised entities” – “Notifications”.

Data on the activity of insurance brokers as of 31.12.2020

 The premium income realized through the insurance brokers in 2020 amounts to BGN 1,716,982 thousand. (BGN 1,686,860 thousand one year earlier), with an increase of 1%, of which:

– BGN 1,577,286 thousand. (with BGN 1,566,886 thousand reported twelve months earlier) for the benefit of insurers and reinsurers based in the Republic of Bulgaria.

– BGN 1,569,824 thousand. (with BGN 1,549,504 thousand reported for the previous year) for the benefit of insurers based in the Republic of Bulgaria.

– BGN 139,695 thousand (compared to BGN 119,973 thousand in 2019) for the benefit of insurers and reinsurers based in a Member State, operating in the Republic of Bulgaria under the terms of right of establishment /branches/ and the terms of the freedom to provide services, as well as insurance and reinsurance intermediation outside the territory of the Republic of Bulgaria and other insurance intermediation.

 Income from commissions of insurance brokers in favour for the benefit of insurers based in the Republic of Bulgaria as of 31.12.2020 amounts to BGN 286,066 thousand. (compared to BGN 280,270 thousand in the previous year) for the benefit of insurers based in the Republic of Bulgaria, there is an increase of 2% on an annual basis.

 Of all accrued commissions, 95% represent the revenues from subscribed insurance commissions in non-life insurance and 5% – respectively in life insurance.

 In the structure of the premium income from non-life insurance realized through insurance brokers as of 31.12.2020, the largest share is occupied by motor insurance – Motor Their Party Liability (50.76%) and Land vehicles other than railway rolling stock(28.78%), followed by Fire and natural disasters (5.60%) and Guarantees (5.21%).

 In life insurance, the premium income realized through insurance brokers as of 31.12.2020 was recorded mainly under Life and annuity insurance (48%), Sickness insurance (31%), Supplementary insurance (10%), followed by Unit-linked life insurance (4%).

 Updated individual data from the reports of insurance brokers operating during the reporting period and registered in the Republic of Bulgaria as of 31.12.2020 are summarized and published on the FSC website in the section “Insurance activity”, “Statistics”, “Insurance Brokers”,”2020”.