Portfolio transfer from Codan Forsikring A/S to Alm. Brand Forsikring A/S

The Financial Supervision Commission has sent notification about its consent for the portfolio transfer from Codan Forsikring A/S to Alm. Brand Forsikring A/S

The Financial Supervision Commission (FSC) has been notified by the competent authority of the Kingdom of Denmark (Danish Financial Supervisory Authority) of the forthcoming portfolio transfer from the insurance undertaking Codan Forsikring A/S to Alm. Brand Forsikring A/S, including insurance contracts on which the Republic of Bulgaria is a Member State where the risk is located. After reviewing the portfolio documents, the FSC decided to send a letter to the national competent authority of the Kingdom of Denmark on granting consent for the transfer of the insurance portfolio from Codan Forsikring A/S to Alm. Brand Forsikring A/S.

Аn interview with the FSC chair Mr. Boyko Atanasov published in the “Banker” newspaper

The Financial Supervision Commission is a firm, unbiased and independent regulatory body

Mr. Boyko Atanasov has a master’s degree in “Planning and prognosis of the economic systems” awarded by the University of National and World Economy, as well as a rash of specializations in the economic sphere made both in Bulgaria and abroad. Owing to his over twenty years of experience gained in the National Revenue Agency, which is a specialized state body under the Ministry of Finance, Mr. Atanasov is one of the top experts in the taxation area. After having occupied various expert and management positions in the income tax administration he was nominated for and acted as managing director of the National Revenue Agency over a four-year period.

The professional career of Mr. Boyko Atanasov passed through the post of deputy minister in the Ministry of Finance responsible in charge of the department of state taxes and customs. In 2017 he has been designated Vice-Chair of the Financial Supervision Commission responsible for the “Investment Activity Supervision” Department, and in 2019 the Bulgarian National Assembly entrusted him with the position of Chair of the Financial Supervision Commission.

Mr. Atanasov, when we roll the film tape back, how and why did you make you decision to focus on the economy, in particular on the income tax administration?

In my view, the economy is one of the most promising professions, and at the same time, it is an occupation, which provides many opportunities for personal development. I feel confident in the economy because I am talented in mathematics, reasoning, detecting causalities and making analysis. All of them are at the basis of the economic processes. As regards the income tax administration, my decision was well-pondered. After graduating the University of National and World Economy, I seized the opportunity to candidate for a job position together with other candidates, taking into account that such a huge institution provided good prospects for development. From my point of view, it was a professional choice for a forthcoming quarter of the century.

Which are the most difficult and the most exciting challenges, which you have ever bumped into during your career?

At the beginning of my 20-year career as income tax administration officer, I first started from the lowest degree acting as tax inspector. Afterwards, I gradually passed through over eight positions of the hierarchy for a sixteen-year period, until I was appointed managing director for the period 2013–2017 having at command more than eight thousand officers, who were responsible for the taxes and social insurances administering in Bulgaria. I gained invaluable experience, which allowed me to recognize in detail all activities performed by the tax administration, such as serving citizens, collecting revenues and exercising control. The knowledge of these processes predetermined my perception of the things functioning or not, thus which of them had to be improved. I was convinced that there was a necessity of change, so it pertained to my career path and responsibility.

Actually, my greatest challenge consisted in the resistance on the part of the system to the integration of the new ideas, which meant that the officers had to leave their comfort zone. Day after day, month after month, I pursued my goal to persuade, to provoke, to find the right people who act as process engine, so that we make the change together.

There were three main challenges, which my team and I met, but I think that we successfully overcame them. The first of them concerned the digitalization process. In 2016, the National Revenue Agency became a body offering the highest percentage of electronic services in Bulgaria.

The second one of them concerned control functions, insofar at that time we built the information control system up, through which revisions are random distributed and assigned to the respective officers. We minimized in this manner the opportunities for corrupt practices and boost the confidence in the authority.

In the third place, we improved the main activity of the income tax administration, which is focused on collecting taxes and social insurances. We enhanced the collectability through provoking consciousness of the National Revenue Agency clients suggesting them that it pertains to their responsibility, so in 2016 we achieved over 85% voluntary payments of declared liabilities. It was for me an actual change in the way of thinking of our society, to which we came up after several years of collection and sustainability of best practices.


How did you succeed to convert the National Revenue Agency into a functioning body, which effectively collects its revenues and offers up-to-date electronic services to consumers and business?

A new manager usually pays attention to transformation. I always focused upon the sustainability of processes, which had become already effective. I was acquainted with them because I knew the way each of them had been functioning in the structure of the National Revenue Agency.  

The second aspect of my conception scheduled an analysis and integration of the worldwide best practices. In a four-year period, we invited strategic directors and officers of the most effective revenue administrations worldwide, such as the English, the Dutch and the Swiss one, to take part in several practical workshops. We were taught by them how plans should be effectively carried out, so that it aided the National Revenue Agency in rebuilding a more effective organization.

The third aspect of my conception concerned the leadership skills among the managers in the National Revenue Agency. Over a several year period, our leading managers had been attending individual coaching meetings, after which they became single staff instructors. I believe that this circumstance predominantly contributed to the change of handling and the behavior toward citizens. The Agency activities became visible through the quotidian and clear communication with people, so that we succeeded in reducing the administrative burden for the business. In my opinion, the slogan of the National Revenue Agency “Responsible today, safe tomorrow” symbolizes until nowadays the positive outcomes, teamwork and transparency in the Agency activity. In my view, the most significant event was the joint survey conducted in 2016 by both the Bulgarian Industrial Association and Gallup International Center for Public and Political Studies, which highlighted the National Revenue Agency as the leading Bulgarian authority enjoying the highest degree of citizens’ trust, namely over 50%.

Which leadership skills are necessary to become a top-level manager and to lead great teams?

In my opinion, each leader should be able to take on responsibility, to create a personal vision on development, in order to evaluate and integrate best practices after having analyzed and examined their impact on every single element of the system. However, mostly he/she should be able to communicate with his/her staff, with citizens, with clients and with each service consumer who raises a question or makes a good proposal. My main values consist of confidence and personal engagement to contribute to the development of the society. If you provide your confidence, you will enjoy the trust of the others. Thus, teach your officers so well, that they always have the option to leave and go on, but let your behavior toward them be so good, that they never make use of this option. Being executive manager or commission’s chair means to have a vocation for serving, contributing to a cause and developing it further.

“To stimulate creativity means to provoke the cogitation of your team because it is source of business ideas.”

Boyko Atanasov Бойко Атансов

What did you succeed to change and to improve in the activity of the FSC?

In reference to the digitalization, we developed and stand at the beginning of the exploitation process of the Unified Information System. It serves both the Commission and the supervised persons. The whole communication process will be carried out via electronic means, inclusively that with other bodies. It concerned an obligation of mine whose performance marked one more step, which we made to an improved operative communication between the authorities and the supervised persons. In consequence of this, the FSC is going to provide prompt and quality services when performing its regulatory activity and will secure transparency, as well. In this regard, we introduced a mobile application and a new website, which we shall further develop.

We established the FSC as a firm, unbiased and independent regulatory body whose positions in the society are well-founded, especially as regards the activity areas of its three divisions, each of them responsible for respective area in the non-banking financial sector. We also improved our external communication, so that currently we provide accurate information in due time, since we have to be an accessible authority, which is capable of conducting dialogue in order to be adequate and business-oriented. We brought into action new effective measures and mechanisms for establishing a foreseeable regulatory activity and preventive control. Furthermore, we strengthened the risk-based supervision, as well as the coordinated supervision, in case where other bodies take part in its performance. We also succeeded in achieving the point at which Bulgarian insurers maintain adequate level of their reserves, whereat they fulfil the requirements on insolvency set in the Insurance Code. We control pension funds’ investment portfolios in a manner allowing their proper structuring and strong diversification. At the time, they have adequate reserves at their disposal, which ensure them payout of lifetime pensions. I believe that FSC maintains an extremely adequate position in reference to crisis cases and acts in best coordination with the international bodies.

In your opinion, which role in the future will play new technologies in the financial markets development?

The technologies function as both catalyst and momentum, as regards the financial industry design. They change financial markets, while the artificial intelligence and the development of IT environment assume more and more significant role in the trading algorithms and the risk management. In the financial area, they signify our contemporary and future status. Thus, I would like to point out our main task. Technologies will continue to develop at extremely spanking pace, therefore the financial services industry is in charge of balancing between innovations, consumer security and stable supervision, which is necessary to protect market integrity. Therein lies the most important role played by the Financial Supervision Commission – guaranteeing stability and safety and supporting business development and consumer services.


Mr. Atanasov, as regards both your personality and profession, do you have a role model which you are following, i.e. is there any person you were taught by, or whose achievements you had been admiring?

Sure. I was taught by my parents. The parental pattern serves as a signpost on our way, which we have to consider. I also learn from people which I have chosen to share my life with, namely from my family and my friends. It is sensible when you can everyday learn something new and upgrade, instead of making for yourself idols!

How do you take a rest after the strained daily routine? Do you practice any sports? Do you have any hobbies?

 The more dynamic the day, the calmer should be the time we dedicate to ourselves. In my view, the time out of the office should be spent for rest and recreation, walks in the nature, good food tasting, meeting friends etc. Nowadays, more than ever, we could combine many pleasant occupations like recreation through watching a nice movie, a walk with an audio book, going on a journey, spending time with friends etc. I do adore the communication with my children. They are curious and cosmopolitan, pose many questions and so you see how they upgrade their knowledge.

Which are your favorite destinations for spending pleasant holidays or for a weekend trip?

In my opinion, trips give you the opportunity to discover new horizons, to get away from your daily routine, to focus on the bigger picture, and sometimes to think about issues, which I never succeed to enclose in my structured timetable. The place which usually boosts my energy, especially in winter, are the Rhodope mountains. The village of Gela is a marvelous start point for walks or for more ambitious mountain hikes. In the summer time, it is turn of other two mountains – Strandzha and Sakar where I usually spend at least a weekend in each of them. I like to travel about Bulgaria and Greece. We have marvelous mountains and gorgeous beaches. Our most important mission of parents is to reveal the beauty of Bulgaria to our children, so that they grow up cultivating their love for the homeland.

Would you tell us anything more about your family! How do you intend to spend Christmas and New Year holidays?

I have a great and warm-hearted family. As you know, holidays are the time for family traditions and much calmness in your home’s ambience. My parents are wonderful persons, my children are curious, so the time spent with them is invaluable. I believe that the forthcoming holidays will be time for tranquility, shared emotions and repose.

What would you wish for yourself and all Bulgarians for the upcoming New Year 2024?

I wish for ourselves to believe more strongly that tomorrow Bulgaria will become a better place to live in. Moreover, to be responsible today, to build up, to create, to support new ideas, to provoke peoples’ development, as well as the one of the business and the state. But first of all, I wish for myself to give more opportunities to people who need them, so that more innovative ideas, new trends and life security in Bulgaria come into being.

Portfolio transfer from Aetna Health Insurance Company of Europe Designated Activity Company to AWL Health & Life

The Financial Supervision Commission has sent notification about its consent for the portfolio transfer from Aetna Health Insurance Company of Europe Designated Activity Company to AWL Health & Life

The Financial Supervision Commission was informed by the competent authority of the Republic of Ireland (Central Bank of Ireland) that the portfolio transfer from Aetna Health Insurance Company of Europe Designated Activity Company to AWL Health & Life was approved by the High Court of Ireland. The transfer was effected on 1 December 2023.

The Chair of the FSC – Boyko Atanasov opened the Investor Finance Forum 2023

On November 7, Mr. Boyko Atanasov – Chair of the Financial Supervision Commission (FSC), officially opened the annual meeting of the financial and investment community in the region – Investor Finance Forum 2023 (IFF). It is organized for the 12th year in a row by the economic site “Investor.bg” (Investor.bg).

The conference traditionally brings together leaders, experts and professionals from the fields of banking, finance, FinTech, capital markets, stock exchanges and regulatory authorities. The IFF platform provides an opportunity of exchanging ideas, establishing valuable business contacts and participating in discussions regarding current challenges facing the banking and non-banking financial sector.

Бойко Атанасов

“It is my pleasure to participate in the opening of the largest event of the financial and investment community in the region, which is being held for the 12th time in a row.

The past 3 years have been marked by turbulence and cataclysms in almost all spheres of society. All of us – participants in the banking and non-banking financial sectors – FinTech, capital markets, stock exchanges and including regulators had serious topics for consideration in the direction of what is the current situation we are in, what are the challenges we are facing and which of the status quo models used are no longer fully effective. On the other hand, we had and continue to have the task of defining what is our desired situation, what is our vision and horizon for the development of the Bulgarian financial and economic environment. The task before us is to discover the necessary changes not every 2, 3 or 5 years, but every day. Because the more dynamic world we live in, the more technology we handle, the more we have the responsibility to be flexible and adaptable on a daily basis, to make transformations and track their development and impact.

Today, tomorrow, and in the future, decisions are and will be made based on high awareness of every single change in the development of the capital markets, as well as on the basis of the interaction of factors such as economic circumstances, geopolitical events and technological progress.

As I’m sure everyone in this audience knows – technology is a driving force in the design of the financial industry. Yes, it’s changing the capital markets, and artificial intelligence and developments in the IT environment have an increasing role in trading algorithms and risk management.

Technological achievements today are transforming the way capital markets function, offering both opportunities and challenges. Market participants will need to adapt to remain competitive.

I will point out the main task in front of us: technology will continue to develop at an extremely rapid pace, which is why the financial industry has a responsibility to balance innovation, security for consumers and the robust supervision necessary to maintain the integrity of the market. Here is the most important role of the Financial Supervision Commission – to ensure stability and security and support the development of business and services to consumers,” shared Mr. Atanasov with the conference participants.

Бойко Атанасов

The panelists took a macroeconomic view of the situation in Bulgaria and the world, discussed the risks of the recession and the measures to slow down inflation, as well as anticipated the likely next moves of the central banks.

The event continued with the criteria for reporting of the Bulgarian instruments for ESG practices in 2024, the financial business framework, the social aspect of sustainable investments and the transition to a zero carbon footprint. In the panel “Investment companies and ranking of investment funds in our country”, leading investors shared their personal experience, and the “FinTech” part drew attention to artificial intelligence, cyber security and open banking. The finale of the emblematic forum was dedicated to active investments.

All the topics presented were a testament to the importance of partnership, innovation and knowledge sharing in shaping the future financial ecosystem, where the Financial Supervision Commission, in its capacity as regulator of the non-banking financial sector, continues to play a multi-faceted role in creating a conducive business environment in Bulgaria.

The Financial Supervision Commission has sent notification about its consent for the portfolio transfer from Aetna Health Insurance Company of Europe Designated Activity Company to AWL Health & Life

The Financial Supervision Commission (FSC) has been notified by the competent authority of the Republic of Ireland (Central Bank of Ireland) of the forthcoming portfolio transfer from the insurance undertaking Aetna Health Insurance Company of Europe Designated Activity Company to AWL Health & Life, including insurance contracts on which the Republic of Bulgaria is a Member State where the risk is located. After reviewing the portfolio documents, the FSC decided to send a letter to the national competent authority of the Republic of Ireland on granting consent for the transfer of the insurance portfolio from the Aetna Health Insurance Company of Europe Designated Activity Company to AWL Health & Life.

The Financial Supervision Commission presented the project Unified Information System

The contractor of the project “Scale Focus” AD presented the Unified Information System (UIS) and its functionalities to more than 170 representatives of companies and associations from the non-banking financial sector, as part of the implementation of the Project “Building a Unified Information System (UIS) for the needs of the Financial Supervision Commission”, carried out with the financial support of the Operational Program “Good Governance”, co-financed by the European Union through the European Social Fund, under a Grant Agreement aid No. BG05SFOP001-1.011-0001-C01 / 23.07.2020 with the beneficiary Financial Supervision Commission.

The Secretary General of FSC – Ms. Denitsa Kirova shared with the large audience her thoughts saying that “with the implementation of UIS, the Bulgarian regulator is improving the process of serving citizens and businesses. Digital access to our administrative services saves time, integrates the activities and processes of the Commission with the systems of the European regulators. The UIS is designed to streamline regulatory and supervisory processes. It creates a sustainable and positive work environment which consolidates different data sources, automates reporting and provides a new model of communication in the non-banking financial sector.”


The digitization of the Commission is part of e-governance. It represents a constant priority in all national strategies and programs in the Republic of Bulgaria over the last decade. Digital solutions in the interest of citizens and businesses are a fundamental change in the administrative service model, as well as an opportunity for standardization, interoperability and resource sharing by institutions. It is the automated exchange of data between the information systems of different administrations and the national scheme for electronic identification which remains basic condition for effective e-governance in the country.

Today, in a fast-paced digital world, it is of key importance to anticipate and respond to changes, in order to ensure efficiency, transparency, and above all, communication at a whole new level between the regulator and all non-banking financial sector actors. I believe that digital transformation is not just a modern term, but rather a positive challenge and a real necessity. The implementation of digital technologies in the work of the Financial Supervisory Commission is far from an ordinary modernization of our systems, but it is also a reassessment of the way we interact with citizens and businesses. By the today’s presentation of the digital FSC, we are not only declaring our firm position to work to increase the investment potential of our country, but we are building a standard, by dint of which the Commission fully stands on the map of European regulators,” said Boyko Atanasov, Chairman of the FSC.

The UIS of the FSC comprises key horizontal components of e-government by implementing the National strategy for the development of e-government in the Republic of Bulgaria 2019-2025. As consequence of its introduction, it becomes possible to review, track, control, validate and analyze the incoming and processed information. It also provides opportunity of automated data transfer, including from and to external systems at the national and international level; the electronic administrative services (EAS) provided by the FSC are being upgraded and the Commission’s registers are being improved.

UIS implements a reliable, modern and secure way of communication with EAU applicants when submitting applications, notifications, periodic information, as well as other documents. Business processes and procedures for processing, control and analysis of data and documents are automated. The regulatory and supervisory activity of the FSC is improved by consolidating information flows and processes and creating an effective mechanism for implementing risk-based control.

The UIS also aims at guaranteeing transparent, fast and secure digital supervision, which will increase the competitiveness of Bulgaria as an investment destination, as well as upgrade the achieved level of regulatory and supervisory standards.

The Financial Supervision Commission will continue to be part of the development of technologies and digitalization, as well as actively working to achieve synergy between regulatory requirements and their implementation in a digital environment.

Part of the concrete results achieved over the past years constitute the functioning Innovation Hub, which secures  a single point of contact with fintech companies; the digital campaign – #INVEST SAFELY, which through the online space provides basic guidelines on how users can distinguish between legitimate and dishonest investment intermediaries; the mobile application FSC Mobile – to help users and supervised persons, using the most popular operating systems – Android and iOS, as well as UIS providing automation to all basic business processes in FSC.

More information about the project is available here (available only in bulgarian).

FSC and FID SANS carried out jointly training regarding the update of the NRA of the Republic of Bulgaria

In June 22nd, 2023 the Financial Supervision Commission and the Financial Intelligence Directorate – SANS conducted a training focused on topics related to the implementation of the AML/CFT measures provided for in the Law on Measures Against Money Laundering, the Law on the Measures Against the Financing of Terrorism and the acts on their implementation, organized by the Association of the Insurance Brokers in Bulgaria for its members. The event was attended by 30 representatives of members of the Association of the Insurance Brokers in Bulgaria.

In the course of the meeting were discussed the following topics:

  • update of the NRA of the Republic of Bulgaria, adopted in 2023;
  • CDD measures.

The conducted training aimed to deepen the understanding of the representatives of the insurance intermediaries which have obtained a licence under the terms and according to the procedure established by the Insurance Code, where carrying on one or more of the classes of insurance referred to in Section I of Annex No. 1 to the Insurance Code, of the importance to comply with the requirements of the preventive legislation and their essential role in the process of maintaining the stability of the financial sector and in assisting to the competent state authorities in preventing and detecting money laundering and terrorist financing activities.

Boyko Atanasov – Chair of the Financial Supervision Commission, presented the prize in the “Young Auditor” contest

By special invitation of the organizers from the Higher School of Insurance and Finance (VUZF) and the auditing companies “HLB Bulgaria” and “Zaharinova Nexia”, Mr. Boyko Atanasov, Chair of the Financial Supervision Commission, was among the official guests of the 12th edition of national audit contest “Young Auditor”. The competition distinguishes students from all over the country, with an interest in the auditing profession, as well as traditionally popularizes it among the whole society.

  “I admire the 12 years of effort to give recognition to the auditing profession. The audit is a key element in the financial sphere, in particular, in the non-banking financial sector, and the functioning of the entire system is unthinkable without it”, said the Chair of the Financial Supervision Commission addressing the organizers.

Mr. Boyko Atanasov presented the prize to the student who won first place in the contest. He addressed all the participants with the words: “Be strong, be brave, don’t be satisfied with what you have achieved today and remember that without extra effort, success is not possible. Good luck!”.

Among the special guests of the “Young Auditor” contest were Ms. Gorica Kozhareva – Chair of the Bulgarian National Audit Office, His Eminence Bishop Pachomius of Branitsa – Rector of the Sofia Theological Seminary, Mr. Vladimir Savov – Deputy Chair in charge of the Insurance Supervision Division in the Financial Supervision Commission, Mr. Genko Nikolov – Secretary General of the Commission for Public Oversight of Statutory Auditors, Mr. Boyko Kostov – Chair of the Institute of Certified Public Accountants in Bulgaria, Mr. Stefan Belchev – Director of the Public Financial Inspection Agency and Ms. Stefka Stoeva – former constitutional judge.

In 2023, more than 50 students from 12 universities in the country took part in the contest, among them the Higher School of Insurance and Finance (VUZF), Sofia University “St. Kliment Ohridski”, University of National and World Economy (UNWE), D. A. Tsenov Academy of Economics, University of Economics – Varna, Varna Free University “Chernorizets Hrabar”, Burgas Free University, South-West University “Neofit Rilski”, New Bulgarian University, Paisii Hilendarski University of Plovdiv.

The event ended with a speech towards the students and guests by Denislav Georgiev – the winner of the 2022 contest.

The leadership team of the FSC honored Insurer of the Year 2022

On May 17, at an official ceremony, the best insurance and pension insurance companies in Bulgaria for 2022 were awarded

The awards, which are organized by the Higher School of Insurance and Finance (VUZF), the Association of Bulgarian Insurers (ABI), the Bulgarian Association of Supplementary Pension Security Companies (BASPSC), the foundation “Prof. Veleslav Gavriyski” and the Bulgarian Association of Insurance Brokers (BAIB), through an expert jury, for the 15th year in a row, determined the best companies from both sectors, according to publicly announced criteria.

Among the official guests of the prestigious event were – Mr. Rosen Zhelyazkov – Chair of the National Assembly, Mr. Lazar Lazarov – Deputy Prime Minister for Social Policies and Minister of Labor and Social Policy, Mr. Boyko Atanasov – Chair of the Financial Supervision Commission (FSC), the Deputy Chairs of the FSC – Ms. Diana Yordanova and Mr. Vladimir Savov, as well as the Chair of the National Social Security Institute (NSSI) – Mr. Ivaylo Ivanov, the Chair of the Economic and Social Council (ESC) – Ms. Zornitsa Rusinova, the Chair of the Bulgarian National Audit Office – Ms. Gorica Grancharova-Kozhareva, representatives of the insurance and pension insurance sector, business, finance and academia.

“It is not only a privilege but also a pleasure for me to attend the traditional award ceremony for those who have been honored in the insurance and social insurance sector. They give society security, stability and peace of mind, regardless of the difficult times we live in and play the role of a safety net of the social system. Thank you for the professionalism of the two sectors, doing everything possible for innovations and investments to enter in the market and be pillars of calm in this dynamic time”, said Mr. Boyko Atanasov, who presented the award in the category “Insurer of the Year – Life Insurance” to “DZI–Life Insurance EAD.

Mr. Vladimir Savov, Deputy Chair of the FSC in charge of the Insurance Supervision Division, presented the “Insurer of the Year – Most Dynamically Developing Company” and “Insurance Broker of the Year – Non-life Insurance” awards. He shared that “dynamically developing companies are the ones that in the coming years will be among the recognized leaders in the respective sectors that create innovation, improve market competition, offer better solutions for their customers and ensure this dynamism in the insurance sector”.

“Insurer of the Year – Most Dynamically Developing Company” for 2022 became the Bulgarian Export Insurance Agency (BAEZ), and “Insurance Broker of the Year – Non-life Insurance” – “SDI Group” OOD.

With the words “It is an extraordinary honor for me to present this prize for another year, which we know with what efforts and how much work is achieved. Despite the turbulence in the markets, the social insurance  sector has proven that it is sustainable, capital adequate, ready to meet any challenge”, Ms. Diana Yordanova, Deputy Chair of the FSC in charge of the Social Insurance Supervision Division, presented the award in the category “Pension insurance company of the year”, for the activity of supplementary compulsory retirement insurance. PIC “Doverie” JSC became the winner in the category for 2022.

More about the winners of the 15th edition of the annual awards in the insurance sector – “Insurer of the Year”, “Pension Insurance Company of the Year”, “Insurance Broker of the Year” for 2022 could be find here.


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