Notice of issued general administrative act

A general administrative act was issued – Decision No. 124 of 14.02.2022 for determining the amount of minimum percentages, according to Art. 91, para. 3, item 2 of Ordinance No. 53 of 23.12.2016 on the requirements for reporting, valuation of assets and liabilities and the formation of technical reserves of insurers, reinsurers and the Guarantee Fund (Ordinance No. 53), as well as the period for their application.

The decision is available on the FSC website in the section Administrative Documents (available in BG version).

Update of the lists of insurers and insurance intermediaries who have stated their intention to carry out cross-border activity within the Internal Market of the European Union

For January 2022 the FSC received 81 (eighty-one) notifications from the competent authorities of Member States regarding the intention of insurers and insurance intermediaries based in other EU Member States to operate on the territory of the Republic of Bulgaria under the terms of the freedom to provide services, including notifications for extension of the scope of the performed activity or provision of information for the change of addresses, representatives and other circumstances.

During the period no notifications were received from the national competent authorities regarding the intention of insurance companies to operate on the territory of the Republic of Bulgaria under the terms of freedom to provide services or the right of establishment, but 1 (one) notification was received regarding the withdrawal of an insurer based in Hungary to operate on the territory of the Republic of Bulgaria under the conditions of the freedom to provide services.

As of the end of January 2022, the number of insurance companies based in other EU and EEA Member States which have notified the FSC of their intention to operate on the territory of the Republic of Bulgaria under the terms of freedom to provide services, decreased to 417 (four hundred and seventeen).

In January 2022, the FSC received 16 (sixteen) notifications from the competent EU supervisory authorities regarding the intention of insurance intermediaries based in EU Member States to carry out insurance intermediation activities in the territory of the Republic of Bulgaria under the terms of freedom to provide services.

During the same period, 56 (fifty-six) notifications were received regarding the termination of insurance intermediation activities on the territory of the Republic of Bulgaria under the terms of the freedom to provide services. As a result, at then end of January 2022, the number of insurance intermediaries based in EU Member States that have stated their intention to carry out cross-border insurance intermediation activities in Bulgaria decreased to 2,128 (two thousand one hundred and twenty-eight).

In January 2022, the FSC notified the competent authority of the Republic of Portugal the intention of 1 (one) local insurer to extend the classes of insurance it offers in the territory of that Member State. As of the end of January 2022, the total number of local insurance companies which have stated their intention to carry out insurance activities on the territory of other Member States of the EU and the EEA under the terms of freedom to provide services, remains 17.

For the period 01.01.2022 – 31.01.2022 the FSC has not sent notifications to the national competent authorities of the EU Member States regarding the intention or withdrawal of the intention of the insurance intermediaries based in the territory of the Republic of Bulgaria to carry out cross-border activity.

At the end of the period, the total number of insurance intermediaries based in the Republic of Bulgaria which declared their intention to carry out insurance intermediation activities in the territory of EU Member States under the terms of freedom to provide services or the right of establishment, remains 55 (fifty five) intermediaries.

The updated lists of notifications are available on the FSC website in the section “Supervised entities” – “Notifications”.

The deadline for payment of the due fees collected by the FSC for general financial supervision is 31 January 2022

The Financial Supervision Commission reminds all supervised entities that the deadline for payment in full of the annual fees for general financial supervision – processing of mandatory current and periodic information and for conducting inspections for 2022, as well as the fixed part of the fee under Section II, item I, line 36 of the Tariff for fees collected by the FSC – Annex to Art. 27, para. 1 of the Financial Supervision Commission Act is until January 31 of the current year.

The amount of the annual fees for general financial supervision is determined in Section II of the Tariff for fees collected by the Financial Supervision Commission – Annex to Art. 27, para. 1 of the Financial Supervision Commission Act (FSCA).

Bear in mind that interest for delay is due on the fee not paid within the deadline according to Art. 27, para 5 of FSCA. In case of non-payment of due fees, the Commission and its bodies may refuse to provide administrative services to the supervised entity until the fulfilment of their obligation to pay the fee, together with accrued interest for delay and costs of enforcement proceedings, in cases provided for in Art. 27, para. 5 of the FSCA.

Payments may be made at the cash desk of the Financial Supervision Commission or at the following bank account with the BNB:

IBAN: BG95BNBG96613000141501


For additional information regarding the due fees and interest, before making the payment, you can contact the Finance and Accounting Department at tel. 02/94 04 691, 02/94 04 646 and /or 02/94 04 695.

Joint Supervisory Action 2022 on the valuation of assets in UCITS and AIF portfolios

The European Securities and Markets Authority (ESMA) has launched a Common Supervisory Action (CSA) with National Competent Authorities (NCAs) on the valuation of UCITS and open-ended Alternative Investment Funds (AIFs) throughout the European Union.

 The common supervisory action will take place in 2022. The aim is to establish whether the organizational rules and legal framework on the principles and methodologies for valuing financial assets held by UCITS and AIFs are complied with, with a view to carrying out a fair and equitable valuation as in normal and under stressful market conditions, in particular with regard to the valuation of investments in illiquid assets.

 The full ESMA communication can be found at:

Data on the value and the number of paid and filed claims under the Motor Third Party Liability Insurance, including by risk groups, as of 31.12.2021

The presented final data on the value and number of paid and filed claims under Motor Third Party Liability Insurance, including by risk groups, as of 31.12.2021 are published on the FSC website – section “Insurance Activity”, “Statistics”, “Non-life Insurance”, “2021”. The data do not include insurance contracts that are concluded by insurers under the right of establishment or under the terms of freedom to provide services.

Mariya Filipova, Deputy Chairperson of the Financial Supervision Commission, was a special guest at the XXI award ceremony for investment firms and banks that achieved the highest results in 2021

The Deputy Chairperson of the Financial Supervision Commission, head of the Investment Supervision Department, was a special guest at the XXI award ceremony for investment firms and banks that achieved the highest results in 2021.

The award ceremony was officially opened by Mariya Filipova – Deputy Chairperson of the Financial Supervision Commission, Vasil Golemanski – Deputy Chairperson of the Board of BSE and Assoc. Prof. Dr. Manyu Moravenov – Executive Director of BSE.

In her greeting to the guests of the event, Ms. Filipova noted: “The past 2021 was full of challenges, but since every challenge is an opportunity for development, we have all witnessed the growing interest of investors in products and new opportunities offered on the Bulgarian capital market. The FSC, the BSE and the investment firms are involved in this process and are guided by one goal – to create a sustainable, stable and accessible market for investors.” In conclusion, she stressed that “the basis of balanced and beneficial interactions between the regulator and market participants is respect for the rights and obligations of all those involved in the process” and called for “the establishment of transparent and fair relations between all participants in the capital market.”

Ms. Mariya Filipova presented the award for investment firms with the most significant contribution in 2021 to Carol AD. Carol AD was also distinguished as the investment firm which achieved the highest turnover on the BSE in 2021 and the investment firm that concluded the most transactions on the BSE in 2021.

For the first time on the BSE presented an award for the most active bank-investment firm for 2021 the award went to Central Cooperative Bank AD. The public company Alterco AD, whose shares are traded on a regulated market, was awarded as the issuer with the most significant contribution to the development of the capital market last year. Yuliyan Sofroniev, founder and CEO of Biodit AD, the first company admitted to the market for growth of small and medium enterprises, was awarded as the person with the greatest contribution to the promotion of the capital market in 2021.

The ceremony was held under the motto “Fashion (evolution)” and her special guest was Sibina Grigorova – managing editor of the media “Boulevard Bulgaria” and co-host of the podcast “Life and Other Things”, which outlined the trends for 2022.

Data on the insurance market as of 31.10.2021

The data presented from the reports of insurers in non-life and life insurance at the end of October 2021 are summarized and published on the FSC website –, section “Insurance Activity”, “Statistics”.

Update of the lists of insurers and insurance intermediaries who have stated their intention to carry out cross-border activity within the Internal Market of the European Union

For December 2021 the FSC received 73 (seventy three) notifications from the competent authorities of EU Member States regarding the intention of insurers and insurance intermediaries based in other EU Member States to carry out cross-border activity on the territory of the Republic of Bulgaria under the terms of the freedom to provide services, including notifications for extension of the scope of the performed activity or provision of information for the change of addresses, representatives and other circumstances.

During this period, the FSC did not receive notifications from the national competent authorities of the EU Member States about the intention of insurance companies based in their territory to operate or cease operations in the Republic of Bulgaria under the conditions of freedom to provide services. . Therefore as of the end of 2021, the total number of insurance companies based in other Member States which intend to operate in Bulgaria under the principle of freedom to provide services, remains 418 (four hundred and eighteen).

For December 2021, the FSC received 21 (twenty-one) notifications from the competent supervisory authorities of EU Member States regarding the intention of insurance intermediaries based in EU Member States to carry out insurance intermediation activities in the territory of the Republic of Bulgaria under the terms of freedom to provide services.

During the same period, 42 (forty-two) notifications were received regarding the termination of insurance intermediation activities on the territory of the Republic of Bulgaria under the conditions of the freedom to provide services. As a result, at the end of 2021, the number of insurance intermediaries based in EU Member States that have stated their intention to carry out cross-border activities in the Republic of Bulgaria decreased to 2,168 (two thousand one hundred and sixty eight).

For December 2021 the FSC has not sent notifications to the national competent authorities of the EU Member States regarding the intention or withdrawal of the intention of the insurance companies based in the territory of the Republic of Bulgaria to carry out cross-border insurance activity. Thus, at the end of 2021, the total number of local insurers which have stated their intention to carry out insurance activities on the territory of other Member States under the terms of freedom to provide services, remains 17 (seventeen).

During the period the FSC sent 1 (one) notification to the competent authorities of EU Member States regarding the intention of an insurance broker based in the Republic of Bulgaria to carry out cross-border insurance intermediation under the conditions of freedom to provide services in their territory, and 1 (one) notification of the intention of an insurance broker to extend its cross-border activity in the territory of the Member States under the conditions of freedom to provide services. Thus the total number of insurance intermediaries based in the Republic of Bulgaria which declared their intention to carry out insurance intermediation activities in the territory of EU Member States under the terms of freedom to provide services or the right of establishment, increased to 55 (fifty five) intermediaries.

The updated lists of notifications are available on the FSC website in the section “Supervised entities” – “Notifications”.

Communication in connection with approved updated reports to the financial statements of management companies and collective investment schemes

In connection with the application of Art. 73, Art. 75, Art. 76, para. 1, Art. 77, para. 1 and Art. 156, para. 1 of Ordinance No. 44 of 20.10.2011 on the requirements for the activity of collective investment schemes, management companies, national investment funds and alternative investment fund managers, in connection with Art. 64, para. 2 and Art. 92, para. 1 and 2 of the Collective Investment Schemes and Other Undertakings for Collective Investments Act, updated templates of reports to the financial statements of management companies and collective investment schemes have been approved, as well as a table for presenting summary information on the declared issue values and redemption prices of units of collective investment schemes, together with instructions to it.

The current templates of reports and table are published in the section “Administrative documents”, subsection “Forms and templates”, “Investment activity”.

Data on the maximum amount of technical interest

Pursuant to Art. 86, para. 11 of Ordinance No. 53 of 23.12.2016 on the requirements for reporting, valuation of assets and liabilities and the formation of technical reserves of insurers, reinsurers and the Guarantee Fund, the Financial Supervision Commission published the maximum amount of technical interest for calculating premiums and reserves for the period from 1 January 2022 to 31 March 2022. Data on the maximum amount of technical interest can be found in the section “Insurance Activity”, “Statistics”, “Life Insurance”.