Communication on the expiration of the deadline for submission of public notifications for the third quarter of 2021 by issuers of securities

The Financial Supervision Commission draws the issuers’ attention to the fact that the deadline for announcing a public notification of financial position for the third quarter of 2021 before the FSC and the media expires on 01.11.2021.

According to Art. 100 o1, para. 1 of the Public Offering of Securities Act (POSA), the issuer is obliged to submit to the FSC a public notification / report on its financial position for the third quarter of 2021 within 30 days from the end of the respective quarter. The public notification / report on the financial position of the company shall be submitted to the FSC by the procedure of Art. 100t, para. 4 of the POSA, namely through the unified system for providing information electronically – e-Register. The public notification / report on the financial position of the company shall be disclosed to the public in the manner provided in Art. 100t, para. 3 of the POSA, namely through an information agency or other media selected by the company within the statutory term, namely until 01.11.2021 inclusive.