Communication regarding the conducting of examinations for the acquisition of the right to exercise activity as a broker of financial instruments on 25 September 2021 (Saturday) and as an investment adviser on 26 September 2021 (Sunday)

The Financial Supervision Commission shall notify the candidates admitted to the examination of the following:

The examination for acquiring the right to exercise activity as a broker of financial instruments will be held on 25 September 2021 (Saturday) at 9:00 h at the Globus Congress Centre, Europe Hall, address: Sofia, 1 Macedonia Sq., the building of CITUB.

The examination for acquiring the right to exercise activity as an investment adviser will be held on 26 September 2021 (Sunday) at 9:00 h at the Globus Congress Centre, Europe Hall, address: Sofia, 1 Macedonia Sq., the building of CITUB.

The examinations will be held in strict compliance with the temporary anti-epidemic measures introduced by Order No. РД-01-748 of 02.09.2021 of the Minister of Health on the territory of the Republic of Bulgaria – use of not more than 30% of the capacity of the room in which the examinations are held and no more than 30 participants, observance of a physical distance of at least 1.5 m and wearing protective face masks by all participants.

The registration of the candidates will start at 8:00. Candidates not registered until 8:50 am will not be admitted to the exam.

When taking the exam, candidates must bring:

 document for paid fee (original or bank certified copy). The name of the candidate who will take the exam should be explicitly stated in the document for paid fee;


 HB or 2B pencils;

 pencil eraser;

 protective face mask.

The examinations will be held in one session on the day announced for the exam, as follows:

 the examination for brokers of financial instruments lasts 4 hours and

 the examinations for an investment adviser lasts 5 hours.

The following calculators can be used for exams:

 Texas Instruments BA II Plus;

 BA II Plus Professional;

 HP 12C;

 HP 12C Platinum;

 HP 12C 25th anniversary edition, as well as

 HP 12C 30th anniversary edition.

It is not allowed to use a calculator with programming functions, as well as the use of ordinary calculators or other electronic computing devices.

For additional questions, you can contact the FSC Information Centre at the toll-free line 0800 40 444 (Monday to Friday from 9:00 to 17:30)