Convention on naming of files in case of submission of reports by investment intermediaries according to Art.26 of Regulation (EG) № 600/2014


In connection with the obligation of investment intermediaries to accurately and precisely report to the FSC on the concluded contracts for transferring of financial instruments according to Art.26 of Regulation (EC) 600/2014 on the markets of financial instruments and the applicable regulatory technical standards, please consider the 8 MB extent of the submitted files must not be exceeded. When submitting their reports, investment intermediaries, approved reporting mechanisms (ARMs) and trading venues consider the following convention on files naming: Legal Entity Identifier (LEI)_ddmmyyyy.xml, whereat “LEI” means the LEI code of the respective investment intermediary, ARM or trading venue, and “ddmmyyyy” is the date on which deals are completed.  

Convention on naming of files in case of submission of reports by investment intermediaries according to Art.26 of Regulation (EG) № 600/2014


In connection with the obligation of investment intermediaries to accurately and precisely report to the FSC on the concluded contracts for transferring of financial instruments according to Art.26 of Regulation (EC) 600/2014 on the markets of financial instruments and the applicable regulatory technical standards, please consider the 8 MB extent of the submitted files must not be exceeded. When submitting their reports, investment intermediaries, approved reporting mechanisms (ARMs) and trading venues consider the following convention on files naming: Legal Entity Identifier (LEI)_ddmmyyyy.xml, whereat “LEI” means the LEI code of the respective investment intermediary, ARM or trading venue, and “ddmmyyyy” is the date on which deals are completed.