The Social Insurance Supervision Department of the Financial Supervision Commission published data on the persons allocated to the supplementary mandatory pension insurance funds in 2020. The information is obtained from the protocols for the ex officio allocations of persons who did not choose a supplementary mandatory pension insurance fund .
The persons for whom the obligation to be insured in a universal or occupational pension fund has arisen and who have not submitted an application for participation within the stipulated terms or have submitted applications for participation in more than one fund of the respective type are allocated ex-officio. In 2020, a total of 76,211 persons were allocated ex-officio to the supplementary mandatory pension insurance funds, of which 66,490 persons in the universal funds and 9,721 persons in the occupational funds. The persons allocated ex-officio in 2020 account for 94.19 per cent of the total number of persons admitted (from newly accepted applications and ex officio allocations) in the universal funds and 92.13 per cent in the occupational ones.
Information on the persons allocated ex-officio in 2020 can be found in the sections “Social Insurance activity”, “Statistics”, “Statistics and analysis of the social insurance market”.