At its meeting on 20 April 2011, FSC took the following decisions:
1. Approved a prospectus for initial public offering of an issue of corporate bonds, which will be issued by Sofia Hotel Balkan AD, city of Sofia. The issue is at the amount of Euro 10 000 000, divided into 100 000 common bonds with a par value of Euro 100 each, 10% annual interest, with interest payments every 12 months, the principal being paid in one lump sum on the maturity date, and the term of the bond loan is 10 years, considered from the date of the bond loan conclusion. Entered in the public register the above issue / in process of issuing/.
2. Approved a prospectus for initial public offering of an issue of shares, which will be issued as a result of increase in the capital of Sofia Hotel Balkan AD, city of Sofia. The issue is to the amount of 4 785 360 common shares entitling to one vote, right to dividend and liquidation quota, proportionate to the par value of the share, with a par value BGN 1 each and issue value of BGN 3.60 each. Entered in the public register the above issue / in process of issuing/.
3. Entered an issue of shares with the purpose of trading on a regulated market, issued as a result of increase in the capital of Asenova Krepost AD, town of Asenovgrad, from BGN 1 232 568 to BGN 3 632 568. The issue is to the amount of BGN 2 400 000, divided into 800 000 common shares with right to vote, with a par value of BGN 3 each.
4. Entered in the register Debitum Invest SPV, city of Sofia, as a public company.