Decisions from FSC’s meeting held on 6 April, 2011

At its meeting on 6 April 2011, FSC took the following decisions:

1. Entered Bulgarian Credit Rating Agency AD as a credit rating agency in the Register under Art.30, para 1, Item 13 of the FSCA, kept by FSC.

2. Approved a prospectus for public offering of shares of HBG Investment Property Fund REIT, city of Varna.  The issue is to the amount of 32 500 common shares with a par value of BGN 1 each and issue value of BGN 17.20 each. Entered the issue of shares (in process of issuing) in the FSC’s Register.

3. Entered an issue of shares, issued by Holding Asenova Krepost AD, town of Asenovgrad, as a result of increase in the company’s capital. The issue is to the amount of BGN 4 644 201, divided into 4 644 201 common shares with right to vote, with a par value of BGN 1 each.