Final results of the activity in the field of supplementary pension insurance for 2010

Social Insurance Supervision Division of FSC announced the final results of the activity in supplementary pension insurance for 2010. The information was obtained on the basis of the audited financial statements and statistics, submitted by the pension insurance companies at the Financial Supervision Commission.

As of 31 December 2010, the number of the insured persons in the four types of pension funds – universal, occupational, voluntary and voluntary under professional schemes, reached 3 882 883 persons, which represented an increase with 117 925 persons or by  3,13 percent compared to the insured in the end of 2009.

At 30 December 2010, the accumulated net assets in the system of supplementary pension insurance equaled to BGN 3 987 419 thousand and registered a growth of BGN 831 249 thousand, or 26,34 per cent in comparison with the net assets as of 31.12.2009.

The pension insurance companies closed the reporting 2010 year with total income to the amount of BGN 86 667 thousand, which represented an increase by 9,55 percent, compared to the recorded income in 2009. In 2010, the pension insurance sector realized a positive total net financial result to the amount of BGN 19 722 thousand, which represented a surge of this indicator by 18,83 in comparison with 2009.