
Approved prospectuses for initial public offering of shares / units or shares in closed end funds:

  1. Republica Holding AD – Decision № 41-Е/28.01.2025

Approved prospectuses for admission to trading of shares on regulated markets:

  1. Tiz Invest AD – Decision № 193-ПД/25.03.2025

Approved prospectuses for initial public offering of bonds:

Approved prospectuses for admission to trading of bonds on regulated markets:

  1. Development Assets AD – Decision № 43-Е/28.01.2025
  2. Tiz Invest AD – Decision № 101-Е/26.02.2025
  3. Finance Plus Management Holding AD – Decision № 123-Е/05.03.2025
  4. Bolkan Property Instruments REIT – Decision № 196-Е/25.03.2025
  5. Retail Management AD – Decision № 190-Е/25.03.2025

Approved prospectuses for admission to trading of shares on regulated markets in EU:

Approved prospectus supplements:

Approved prospectuses for initial public offering of warrants:

  1. Premier Fund REIT – Decision № 76-Е/12.02.2025