Mariya Filipova – Deputy Chairperson of the FSC, Head of the Investment Supervision Department participates in the BSE awards for excellent performance at the examinations organized by the FSC for brokers and investment advisers

Today, a ceremony was held to award the most successful candidates for the qualification exams for brokers of financial instruments and investment advisers, organized by the FSC. Deyan Ivanov, Kristiyana Savova and Panayot Poshtov were awarded diplomas and financial incentives from the Bulgarian Stock Exchange as part of the long-term educational program of the Exchange – BSE Advance. The special ceremony was attended by Ms. Mariya Filipova – Deputy Chairperson of the FSC, who congratulated the three winners for their excellent results with the following words:

“I am certain that the reason for your success today is diligent preparation, which is a manifestation of your thirst for knowledge and the pursuit of self-improvement. Every obstacle overcome on the path of professional development sets the stage for new, higher and intriguing challenges. From now on, you will confirm to yourself and your colleagues and friends that the successful passing of exams and obtaining a certificate are not an end in themselves, but an expression of high professional capacity, which can and should be used to upgrade the environment in which we live and work. I wish you will meet the challenges successfully, remembering that professional ethics requires you to always put the interests of customers who rely on you before your own. The trust you gain will increase over time, and the more trust there is between the individual participants, the more will grow the trust and attractiveness the financial services market. Remember that the development of this market depends on each participant and their responsible behaviour. The experience gained over the years will inevitably lead to you being approached more and more often for advice and assistance, which is a cause for well-deserved satisfaction. I hope you will achieve new higher peaks in your academic and career development!”

On behalf of the organizer of the event, the Executive Director of the BSE – Assoc. Prof. Dr. Manyu Moravenov, congratulated the young experts on their success and expressed his conviction that “they are the best example for all others who see their future in the capital market in Bulgaria.”

Official guests of the event were Mrs. Radoslava Maslarska – President of the Bulgarian Association of Licensed Investment Intermediaries (BALII) and Mr. Petko Krastev – President of the Bulgarian Association of Asset Management Companies (BAAMC).