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15/06/2021 17:20
Комисията за финансов надзор разгледа и прие на първо гласуване проект на Наредба за изменение и допълнение на Наредба № 31 от 02.08.2006 г.
15/06/2021 14:29
The Financial Supervision Commission adopted at the second vote an Ordinance on the technical interest rates under Art. 169, para. 1, item 3 and para. 8, item 3 of the Social Insurance Code
15/06/2021 14:27
Communication on conducting examinations for the acquisition of the right to exercise activity as a broker of financial instruments and as an investment adviser
15/06/2021 14:26
The Financial Supervision Commission considered and adopted at the first vote a draft Ordinance to amend and supplement Ordinance No. 63 of 8 November 2018
15/06/2021 14:24
The Financial Supervision Commission considered and adopted at the first vote a draft Ordinance to amend and supplement Ordinance No. 31 of 02.08.2006
14/06/2021 14:22
Results of the change in the participation and transfer of funds of insured persons from one to another respective pension fund for the first quarter of 2021
14/06/2021 12:02
Резултати от промяна на участието и прехвърляне на средства на осигурени лица от един в друг съответен пенсионен фонд за първото тримесечие на 2021 г.
11/06/2021 14:53
Актуализация на списъците със застрахователи и застрахователните посредници, заявили намерение да извършват трансгранична застрахователна и посредническа дейност в рамките на Европейския съюз
11/06/2021 14:19
Update of the lists of insurers and insurance intermediaries who have stated their intention to carry out cross-border insurance and intermediation activities within the European Union
11/06/2021 14:18
Diana Yordanova, Deputy Chairperson of the Financial Supervision Commission, Head of the Insurance Supervision Department, was an official guest at the 10th anniversary edition of the 2021 Young Auditor National Competition