On the web site of the Financial Supervision Commission, under Statistics heading, Capital Market section for 2010, there has been posted a Study of the state of the non-banking investment intermediaries for the period June – November, 2010
The study makes a review of the basic indicators of this type of companies on an aggregate basis. The statistics show that the number of the non-banking financial intermediaries decreases, and the changes in the equity of the companies with minimum required capital of BGN 1 500 000 is considerably less than that of the other companies for the period under review. Nevertheless, there are not any non-banking investment intermediaries, which are in violation of the requirements for capital adequacy and liquidity, and the market value of the trade and non-trade book of these companies increased, except for the months of August and October. The market value of the securities, provided for fiduciary management, as well as their client assets grew for the period June – November, 2010 by respectively 3.08% and 5.63% (calculated as geometric mean for the reviewed period).