Summarized data on the insurance brokers for 2010

The presented individual data from the reports of the insurance brokers, registered in the Republic of Bulgaria as of 31 Dec., 2010 are summarized and published on the FSC’s web site –, in Section  E-Library, Statistics, Insurance market, Insurance brokers.
In 2010, the premium income realized through insurance brokers was at the amount of BGN  736 703 thousand, from which BGN 689 823 thousand in favor of insurers having a legal seat in Bulgaria, BGN 42 662 thousand in favor of insurers from other EU Member States and BGN 4 218 thousand in favor of the voluntary health insurance companies.
The revenues from commissions of the insurance brokers amounted to BGN 171 655 thousand, including BGN 165 260 thousand – in the intermediation with insurers having a legal seat in Bulgaria, BGN 5 878 thousand – in the intermediation with insurers from other states and BGN 517 thousand. – in the intermediation with voluntary health insurance companies.
The brokers’ commissions towards the realized through them premium income in favor of insurers having a legal seat in Bulgaria were 23,9 % in the general insurance and 24,7 % in life insurance.