Way of providing services: Under the freedom to provide services and activities in accordance with Article 43 of MFIA

Address: 19 Viskyar planina Str, fl. 2

Contacts:Lyubomir Boyadzhiev (for Poland: Denitsa Hristova), +359 2 962 53 96, +359 2 962 53 98, finance@benchmark.bg

Member States in which it intends to provide servicesIntended investment services, activities and ancillary servicesFinancial instruments
PolandArt. 6, par. 2, item 1 – 7 and par. 3, item 1-6 of MFIAArt. 4, item 1 – 3 and item 9 of MFIA
GermanyArt. 6, par. 2, item 1 -7 and par. 3, item 1-6 of MFIAArt. 4, item 1 – 3 and item 9 of MFIA
ItalyArt. 6, par. 2, item 1 -7 and par. 3, item 1-6 of MFIAArt. 4, item 1 – 3 and item 9 of MFIA