Pursuant to Regulation (EC) № 1060/2009 of 16 September, 2009 on credit rating agencies (CRA Regulation), the credit rating agencies are legal persons whose occupation includes the issuing of credit rating on a professional basis. The credit rating agencies established in the Union must file an application for registration according to Article 14, paragraph 1, in relation to Article 2, paragraph 1
of the CRA Regulation. The competent authorities of the home Member State approve the registration when all requirements stated in the CRA Regulation have been satisfied. The registration is valid for the whole territory of the Union. In consistence with Article 18, paragraph 3 of the CRA Regulation, the Commission published in Official Journal of the European Union and on its web page a list of the registered credit rating agencies. This list is updated within 30 days after the date the Commission is notified of registration made by a competent authority of a home Member State.
The registration according to the CRA Regulation does not mean automatic recognition as an external credit rating agency (ECRA) in accordance with Part 2 of Annex VI
to Directive 2006/48/EC.
You can find the list of the agencies on the following address: