The Financial Supervision Commission presents a project for building a Unified Information System

The Financial Supervision Commission (FSC) presented publicly the project:

“Establishment of a Single Information System (UIS) for the Financial Supervision Commission”.

The project is implemented under administrative contract No. BG05SFOP001-1.011-0001-C01 / 23.07.2020 for the provision of grants under the Operational Program “Good Governance” (OPGG), co-financed by the European Union through the European Social Fund under the procedure BG05SFOP001-1.011 by directly providing a grant concluded between the OPGG Managing Authority and the Financial Supervision Commission.

The UIS was presented by Ms. Denitsa Kirova – Secretary General of the FSC and contracting authority of the project, who shared with the participants that “It is a priority for the Commission to reduce administrative burden by fully digitalizing the administrative services it offers. One of our key goals is to provide timely, good and transparent supervision activities. We live in two working worlds – real and virtual. We are aware of the need to be fully present where business and consumers are. I believe that building a unified information system will allow us to meet this need, and we will have the opportunity not only to improve the process of administrative services to citizens and businesses, but also to integrate the activities and processes of the FSC with the systems of European supervisors.

The main goals of the project “Establishment of a Single Information System (UIS) for the Financial Supervision Commission are:

Improving the process of administrative services to citizens and businesses by upgrading all administrative services that the FSC offers and are part of the state administration system (IISSA or Administrative Register).

Redesign, upgrade and improvement of at least 18 public registers of the FSC, through which information is provided to citizens and businesses.

Integration with the relevant horizontal components of e-government in the Republic of Bulgaria, as well as with the Single Portal for access to e-services.

Real-time integration of information exchange with EU regulators – the European Insurance and Occupational Pensions Authority (EIOPA) and the European Securities and Markets Authority (ESMA) .

Improving the mechanism for risk-based supervision applied by the FSC.

Refining and development of automation of the process of determining fees due by businesses and citizens.

Organizing and conducting trainings with the widest range of users, both by system administrators and end users.

The project will contribute to achieving the main objectives arising from the Updated e-Government Strategy in the Republic of Bulgaria for the period 2019 – 2023. It will finance activities necessary for the implementation of one of the priority measures in the Updated Roadmap for the implementation of the Updated Strategy for the development of e-government in the Republic of Bulgaria for the period 2019-2023, namely: design, development, implementation and maintenance of the Unified Information System of the Financial Supervision Commission.

The total value of the project is BGN 4,999,980.50. (four million nine hundred ninety-nine thousand nine hundred and eighty BGN and fifty stotinki), of which BGN 4,249,983.42 are European and BGN 749,997.08 are national co-financing.

The deadline for the establishment of the Unified Information System for the needs of the Financial Supervision Commission is set for the autumn of 2023.

The event itself took place online through the MS Teams platform, which was introduced as part of the Commission’s telecommuting measures at the beginning of last year’s epidemic.