Establishment of a Unified Information System (UIS) for the needs of the Financial Supervision Commission
The Financial Supervision Commission is a beneficiary of the project “Establishment of a Unified Information System (UIS) for the needs of the Financial Supervision Commission”. The project is implemented under administrative contract BG05SFOP001-1.011-0001-C01/23.07.2020 with additional agreement №1 dated January 18, 2023., with the financial support of the Operational program “Good Governance”, co-financed by the European Union through the European Social Fund.
Short description:
The improvement of the FSC regulatory and supervisory activity will be achieved through establishing of Unified Information System (UIS) which is aimed at automate the activity of all specialized and general administration departments of the Commission and will provide opportunity for performing review, tracking, control, validation and analyses of the incoming and outgoing proceeded information, as well as the possibility of automated data transfer, including from and to external systems on national and international level
The following is expected to be completed during the implementation of the procedure:
– Establishment of a Unified information system in FSC;
– Redesign, consolidation and improvement of FSC registers;
– Implementation of a unified, reliable, innovative and secure channel for the users of electronic administrative services (EAS) when submitting applications, notifications, periodic information, as well as any other documents;
– Upgrading the electronic administrative services provided by FSC to Levels 3 and 4;
– Business process automation and treatment procedures, such as processing, control and analysis of data and documents;
– Creating an effective mechanism for implementing risk-based supervision;
– System integration capability with the other relevant key horizontal components of the e- Government platform;
– Assuring possibility for integration with external registers and systems at national and European level for automated data and information exchange.
– The objective of the project is the establishment of necessary conditions for the functioning of the Unified model for application, payment and provision of EAS, in order to improve the access, transition to complex administrative services, as well as decrease the administrative burden for citizens and business when interacting with the administrative bodies and their structures.
Project purposes:
Improvement of regulatory and supervisory activity of the FSC through consolidation of information flows and processes, as well as establishing of UIS;
Ensuring automated data exchange from and to external systems on national and international level;
Improvement of the process of providing citizens and business with administrative services.
1. Developed and implemented Unified Information System for the needs of the FSC;
2. Provided integration possibility with external registers and systems at national and European level for automated data and information exchange;
3. At least 18 redeseigned, consolidated and improved FSC registers;
4. Upgraded 252 administrative services provided by the FSC at Levels 3 and 4;
5. At least 6 systemic administration officers trained for the purpose of competences acquisition in installation, daily maintenance and administration of the UIS;
6. At least 200 final users of UIS (FSC employees) instructed to operate with the system according to the activities performed by them;
7. Presentation of UIS functionalities performed to at least 100 external users – supervised entities and other interested parties;
8. Prepared manuals for systemic administrators, FSC employees and external users.
Contribution to the implementation of strategic documents and compliance with legislative acts of the national and EU legislation:
The current project which is implemented in accordance with the procedure in question will contribute to the achievement of the main purposes arising from the updated E-government strategy of the Republic of Bulgaria for the period 2019-2023. Through this procedure will be financed activities necessary for the implementation of one of the primary measures set in the updated Roadmap for implementation of the updated Strategy for development of e-Government in the Republic of Bulgaria for the period 2019-2023, namely “Design, development, implementation and maintenance of Unified Information System in the FSC”.
Project indicators:
Administrations supported for the implementation of complex administrative service, with target value of 1 in total;
Control, revenue and regulatory bodies supported for the development of organizational and analytical capacity, including when performing joint investigations, with target value of 1 in total;
Number of approved registers, with target value of 18 in total;
Approved electronic services for being provided in transactional regime, with target value of 252 in total;
Number of approved projects for developing sectorial e-Government systems (e-public procurement, e-healthcare, e-customs, e-archiving, e-insurance etc.), with target value of 1 in total.
Priority axis 1 of the Operational program “Good Governance”: “Administrative services and e-Government”
Total project value: BGN 6 559 022,19 of which BGN 5 575 168,86 from the European Social Fund and BGN 983 853,33 national co-financing.
Implementation period: from 01.06.2020 until 30.09.2023.
Beneficiary: Financial Supervision Commission
- Establishment of a Unified Information System (UIS) for the needs of the Financial Supervision Commission”. (01.03.2023)
- White (11.03.2022)
- Banner (11.03.2022)