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13/05/2011 00:00
Approval was given for indirect acquisition of 94 % from the capital of HDI Insurance AD by Talanx AG
13/05/2011 00:00
Decisions from a meeting of FSC on 23 March, 2011
18/12/2009 00:00
Insurance Market Statistics up to 30/10/2009 have been announced, including Life Insurance Market and Nonlife Insurance Market
17/11/2009 00:00
Insurance Market Statistics up to 30/09/2009 have been announced, including Life Insurance Market, Nonlife Insurance Market and Reinsurance Market
27/08/2009 00:00
The Annual Report on the Activities in 2008 of the Financial Supervision Commission is published on the web site of the Commission in section “Publications”
14/07/2009 00:00
Globalisation redefined The 2009 Emerging Markets Summit September 17th-18th 2009, London
15/05/2009 00:00
Insurance Supervisory Commission of the Republic of Lithuania revoked the license of the insurance undertaking ADB “BALTIJOS GARANTAS”
15/05/2009 00:00
Insurance Supervisory Commission of the Republic of Lithuania revoked the license of the insurance undertaking ADB “BALTIJOS GARANTAS”
13/04/2009 00:00
Voluntary winding-up of Hugo Insurance Lines Limited
22/01/2009 00:00
Scottish Insurance Company convenes Scheme Creditors First Meeting on 2 March 2009 for the purpose of considering and agreeing a solvent scheme of arrangement of outstanding claims of relevant insured of the Company